Saturday 29 June 2019


Frame is the way you see the world and the amazing thing is that everyone has got a frame. 

Imagine looking around you right now through a window frame that you hold in your hands. As you move the frame around, your brain is interpreting the sound, visuals and sensations in ways that are consistent with your intelligence and values. This is what I call your point of view. 

Another person can look at the same thing through his own frame, and what he hears and sees may differ-by a little or a lot. The common label given to this is perspective.


Brain at work , doing what it does best - detecting frames, protecting us from threats, and using dominance and aggression to deflect attacking ideas and information.

Frames are rooted in our survival instincts-and they seek to sustain dominance.


When frames come together, the first thing they do is collide. The two frames will  meet and the stronger frame will dominate. The moment your frame makes contact with the frame of the other person, they clash and collide for dominance. If your frame wins, you will enjoy frame control, where your ideas are accepted and followed by other people. But if your frame loses, you will be at other person's mercy.

When you are talking to anyone and fail to control the social frame, you probably have already lost. All you can do then is fight for survival by talking fast, push-pull, complementing and lot of other equally ineffective and annoying tactics that signal to the girl that you are needy and desperate - and defeated.

Frame control is won or lost even before you start talking to her.


When you are responding ineffectively to things the other person is saying and doing, that person owns the frame and you're being frame controlled. 

If you have to explain your authority, position, power, hustle, leverage, game, and advantages then you do not hold the stronger frame.Rational appeals to higher order, logical thinking never wins frame collisions or gain frame control. 

Notice, a policeman doesn't have to pitch you about why he is going to issue a citation for you. He does not need to rationalize with you. He doesn't need to explain you his power, he doesn't need to test a hand on his gun, and he doesn't need to describe to you what will happen if you resist. he doesn't need to explain how critical it is to stay calm and obedient. He doesn't suggest that you have fear and anxiety. Your brain's natural defense mechanism has these reactions to a policeman's frame. You are reacting and your brain's fear center has taken over your body. Your actions are automatic, primal and beyond your grasp.

Same way, every social interaction is a collision of frames, and the stronger frame always wins. Frame collisions are primal. They freeze out the neocortex and brings out the fear center of brain to make decisions and determine actions.

So, a successful interaction depends on your ability to hold your frame. The stronger your frame, the easier it will be for you to break and absorb weak frames.


As we now know that if your reality(values, principles, integrity, experience and awareness) is strong then it will be easier for you to hold your frame.

But while frame controlling, it's never a you vs her battle. It has to be you and her. You have to create togetherness. The 'Us' Frame. 

If you feel like she is dominating the interaction that means you are operating from fear center. You are viewing her and the situation you are in as a threat. You feel like escaping as some fucked up shit may happen. 

This my friend is what I call a competitive frame.

As soon as you realize that you are in a competitive frame with her; assume she is already attracted towards you and then behave accordingly.

Let's view two cases to understand realities, principles and frames that a women is experiencing while talking to two different men:-


She: I don’t like your t-shirt, it’s so ugly. (Testing his frame)
He: No it’s not ugly. My mom gave it to me and it’s very special to me. (Justifying)
She: Cool. (Lost interest/Frame won)
He: Your dress is also not that good. (Trying to win his frame back)
She: Thanks for observing. (Frame won again)
He: Why do you have such an ego? (Reacting to her and seeking value rather than offering good emotions)
She: Why are you so defensive? (Being genuine and telling him about his behavior)
He: No, I am not. (Defensive behavior)
She: Well. Just now you turned defensive. Anyways, nice to meet you! (Rejected)


She: I don’t like your t-shirt, it’s so ugly (Testing his frame)
He: You are observing me a lot maybe. (Being responsive instead of reactive)
She: What do you mean? (Showing interest)
He: Why do you hate me so much? (Leading the frame)
She: I don’t. (She answered him so he is controlling the interaction now)
He: Cool, I am taking you out right now. (Being dominant, decisive and leading)
She: Where? (Amazed)
He: Adventure.  (Decisive and unpredictable. Unpredictability makes women wonder and they like it)

In case 1, the man is not a man but a reactive kid in disguise. This man is reacting to whatever she is saying. She doesn’t even have to do anything extra to weed out a man who is not a lover. Just some statements are enough to understand if a guy is a lover or provider.

In case 2, the man is a leader and he is the one who is controlling the flow of interaction. Men always control the flow. It’s the duty of a man to set the rhythm and being at the cause of an interaction. He leads the woman by taking her somewhere and when she asks about where they are going he doesn’t tell the whole plan and lets the uncertainty do its thing. 


1) Everyone uses frames whether they realize it or not.
2) Every social interaction brings different frames together.
3) Frames do not coexist at same time and place for long. They run into each other, clash and the stronger frame enjoys frame control.
4) Only one frame survives while the other frames get absorbed by the stronger frame.
5) The winning frame leads the social interaction in any direction it appeals.

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Sunday 31 March 2019

Loser's Guide To Get Women At Daytime [6 Steps]

The one who is reading this post spends most of his time in front of laptops, phones, working day and night to earn money. You don't get enough time or you are too busy to go out to meet women.

But, you want women.

You are done with masturbating and imagining hot women or paying for hookers. You actually want women now.

You are nerd, geeky and hyper alert or you have nothing to do and that can be your strength.

You want to know how?

Just stay with me.

6 Step Process To Get Women During Daytime:

So this process is divided into two parts-

1) Mindset:- 

(a) She is not attracted towards the things you do. She is attracted towards who you are.
(b) Interactions are like a movie. So relax, chill and enjoy.

2) Execution:-

(c) Domino effect: Just a hi can be converted into sex.
(d) She wants a man with the qualities of a lover.
(e) Be present to the moment.
(f) Absorb everything.

6 steps in action:

Suppose you are walking down the road from your work and you suddenly enter a street full of women. You studied about 6 steps by Yadhuvir last night and now is the time to implement it.

(a) She is not attracted towards the things you do. She is attracted towards who you are. 

Understand that she is not attracted towards the things you have and the activities you do. She is attracted towards who you are as a person. She is attracted towards the behavior and not the achievements. 

Always remember that a woman is never attracted towards a man instead she is attracted towards the emotions she feels in the presence of that man.
If she gets those emotions in more intensity from any other man, she won't hesitate to leave.

(b) Interactions are like a movie. So relax, chill and enjoy.

So you just came out of office/college/home and you are in your head.

It's okay and it's normal.

You were in a totally different environment where you had to use the left part of your brain more. You were in a more logical, analytical mood. Your body was not in a continuous, rhythmic motion so your body and mind both are frozen.

But now you are in a different environment and you got to adapt. Wake up the right hemisphere of your brain and become a social butterfly.

Start observing people and give them compliments.

(c) Domino effect: Just a hi can be converted into sex.

Start small. Go and talk to the beggar, security guard and salespeople. Ask them about their life story. This will put you in a social mood. Your mouth has started moving now. Talking to these people made your emotions flowing again.

And there you saw a girl coming. Go and say hi. Most guys don't even take the first step.
Just go and say hi while keeping the sub-communication on point.

To know more about sub-communication, read this article 4 Simple Ways To Attract Any Girl

(d) She wants a man with the qualities of a lover.

She don't want you to pay for her things or buy her chocolates or protect her from 'evil guys'.
Women these days can provide and protect themselves. They want a lover.

There are some behavior traits that separate lovers from providers. I recently wrote an article about the behavior of lovers. Check it out 3 Female Psychology Hacks That No One Knows

(e) Be present to the moment.

Not every woman is going to like you.

Not everyone in this world can like you so stop behaving in ways to make people like you. Stop being a people pleaser.

Some interactions are good for getting rejected, some are good for just socializing, some are good for making social circles and future connections and some interactions just clicks and boom!

You are in the flow.

So always stay with the present emotion. If I am feeling fear then it's just now that I am feeling it. I don't know what I am going to feel 10 minutes from now.

Stay in the process. Keep approaching and don't beat up yourself for bad reactions.


(f) Absorb everything.

Become a sponge and soak in the environment.

Step 2 says that interactions are like a movie so every interaction is an interesting movie. You come to know about people from different countries, cultures and race.

Whenever you miss an interaction, you miss a whole fucking movie.

So whatever reactions you get from an interaction, start soaking it in. Don't get happy when you get good reactions and don't get sad when you get bad reactions.

Just stay in the process, keep absorbing the stimulation and express your thoughts.

 If you want to see me approaching women and showing all of this live then you can see my infields and subscribe to my YouTube channel The Yadhuvir. You can even follow me on Instagram (yadhuvir_singh) to look into my daily life and hustle. Until next time. 

Saturday 30 March 2019

4 Simple Ways To Attract Any Girl

Most guys when go and approach the girl for the first time, they try to prolong the conversation and try to show her how nice they are.

Instead of looking at the quality of interaction they focus on the time spent in the interaction..

This is a wrong way to approach.
Time can be your ally when you are spending time with her inside a coffee shop or restaurant where you both can share your childhood stories, common interests etc.

Time can even help you when you are in the closing phase where you want to take her number or lead her to your home.

But when we approach a woman for the first time, we should never try to prolong the interaction.

Instead make it intense.


(a) Attraction is not a choice. If she is not attracted towards you then there is nothing YOU can do to turn the tables around. If she is attracted towards you then there is nothing SHE can do about it. She will just keep on falling for you.

(b) Emotions are the most addictive chemical in the universe for women.

(c) Women can sense when you are not having good emotions in the moment and they will push those buttons again and again to make you react. When she presses your buttons but she don't get reactions the way most guys give, she comes to know that you are different than most of the men out there.  

4 Simple Ways To Attract Any Girl:

These 4 ways are what we call as sub-communications. If you handle these 4 sub-communications, 90% of the work is already done. 

1) Laser eye contact-

Your eye contact should be laser. 
As you are walking towards her from a distance, do not look down, right, left or up. 
Don't look at her stomach, legs or behind her.
Look into her eyes directly and start walking towards her.

She will come to know that you are going to approach her and you can see her adjusting her posture, hair and dress to look good.

2) Smile-

Casanova has said, "smile is the shortest distance between 2 people."

Our brain has mirror neurons which mirrors the gestures and body language of other person.

So if you are smiling and your eye contact is laser, it will setup the sexual base of the interaction.

Secondly, when you smile and talk to a random girl, you come off as a non-threatening person. 

3) Tonality and volume-

People are in their heads. 
They are busy with their own stories. 
When you open a girl with seeking rapport tonality and low volume, she would prefer to stay in her own story.

Loud volume and breaking rapport tonality snaps people out of their head and the bullshit story that is occupying their head space and shows masculinity.

4) Proximity-

This is where most men suck.
As soon as you approach a girl, you should be standing really close to her. 
If she hesitates then you can take a step back while still verbally engaging her logical mind.

She cannot feel your presence if you are not standing close to her. If she cannot feel your presence then she won't even get turned on.

When a man stands close to a woman, her body starts getting warm. Her body starts preparing itself for the process of mating. Her pupils will dilate, lips will swell up a little bit and you can see her eyes sparkling.

These 4 sub-communications sets up the Man to Woman frame and makes the interaction intense which further makes her attracted towards you and recently I wrote an amazing article that an give you crazy insights about female psychology. Check it out: 3 Female Psychology Hacks That No One Knows

If you want to see me approaching women and showing all of this live then you can see my infields and subscribe to my YouTube channel The Yadhuvir. You can even follow me on Instagram (yadhuvir_singh) to look into my daily life and hustle. Until next time.

3 Instant Ways To Make Her Chase You

Men have always been obsessed with making a girl to chase them. It is because the media always shows the man pursuing the woman. So men sometimes fantasize about hot women chasing them.

We all do it.

Most men think that once they have an amazing physique or a lot of money then she will be chasing them but it's not true.

How difficult you think it is for women to get a jacked up, model looking guy?
How difficult you think it is for women to get a rich guy?
How difficult you think it is for women to get a guy with a huge bungalow?

Women can get hot, rich and handsome guys within seconds so if you are one of those men who want to make girls chase with the help of your looks or money, sorry but you are already out of her league bro. 

So now you know that there is nothing external which you can say or do to make her chase you.

Women won't chase you based upon your words or actions. Her chasing you is totally based upon the thoughts and mindsets that are producing those words and actions.

Your mindset sets up the field for the chase.
If you really want to know how 'chase frame' works then you got to know about some mindsets to introduce higher value in front of woman which gives her the space to experience you, see you as a reward and then chase you.

She will only chase rewards and if  you have even 1% of self-doubt, she comes to know that you are not a reward.

EXPERT TIP: A man who sees himself as a reward; his thoughts, words and actions are always aligned. He says what he thinks and he do as he says.

As a reference, you can see me setting up the chase frame in this infield video of mine.

3 Mindsets To Make Her Chase You:

To be a reward for her so that she can chase you, you have to talk to her with these mindsets.

(i) The Giver:- 

  Whenever most guys talk to to women, they go with an agenda in mind and everything they say or do revolves around that agenda. Some guys want her number, some want her to go on a date and some want to fuck her then and there only.

Whenever you go with such agendas, you totally forget that you are a fucking leech.

Suppose you are walking down the road and a skinny man in white shirt, navy blue trousers with an encyclopedia in his hand and a black colored bag on his back approaches you.

Man: Sir, can I have your two minutes please?

Do you already somehow know his agenda?
Can you already see the leech inside him which actually don't give a shit if you need an encyclopedia or not but he just want to sell you anyways?

Like you understood that this guy was a salesman who just wants your money same way women can come to know about the intent of men.

Be a 100% giver. Don't give a damn about what others are thinking of you right now. Don't think if you say what's actually going on in your head then people might dislike you.

A giver just gives. He doesn't care about how people react to him.

If you had sex with Alia Bhatt last night and clicked pictures with her and next day you show those pictures to your friends, will you show those pictures to get appreciation or will you just show and don't give damn if they believe or not because you know that you fucked Alia Bhatt.

So when you approach a girl, be a giver. Don't seek reactions from her. Don't judge yourself on the basis of however she reacts. 

As a giver, your response is in your control, not her reactions.

(ii) The Authority:-

98% of men have given up their own authority.

Are you one of them?
Let's see. Answer these questions in your mind.

a) Do you change your decisions based upon your parents approval?
b) Are you afraid of your parents?
c) Does your behavior depends upon the situations?
d) Do you think that talking to random women on streets and malls in unethical?
e) Do you think however, whatever, wherever you are in your life, you are enough for her?

Now there are two perspectives to look at these questions. One perspective is of a lover and other is of a provider. Both lover and provider is inside a man but the dormant perspective tells about the worldview of a man.

Perspective #1 [PROVIDER]

a) Yes because my parents know what's right or wrong. Parents have seen more of this world than me so why to risk taking a decision on my own. My parent's decision is my decision.

b) Yes I am afraid because they are elder than me.

c) Yes my behavior changes according to the situations. I know how to survive. Be a chameleon.

d) I don't talk to women on streets and malls because I am high value man and I don't do such low value things.

e) No, I have to earn more, look a little bit better and get some more knowledge then I will be enough for women.

Perspective #2 [LOVER]

a) I don't change my decision based on anyone's approval. If my parents say that what I am doing is right or wrong, how do they know if it's right or wrong thing to do? I need to figure out myself if my decision is right or wrong. NO ONE PREDICTS MY REALITY.

b) My parents are not ghosts. Why would I be afraid of my parents? I love my parents. Love and fear cannot coexist.

c) No, situations change but I remain the same. When you change your behavior according to the situations, you live in survival mode and if you do it enough times, it becomes a habit and I don't want to live my life in survival mode.

d) There is only one thing which is unethical and that is not going for what you want.  

e) There is no reason why I am not enough.

Looking at perspective 1 and 2 you can clearly understand that a provider has given up authority while the lover owns his authority. Authority naturally makes you a leader. And when you are a leader, she just cannot stop chasing you because our brains are hard wired to follow the leaders.

If you want to know more about how to be a lover then check out this article that I posted recently 3 Female Psychology Hacks That No One Knows  

(iii) The Cause:-

In an interaction, either you are at the cause or effect.

When two people are interacting and one person starts laughing because other person just said something hilarious. The person who is laughing is at the effect.
When you are laughing and giggling and suddenly she says that she doesn't like you and you lose the laughter. She is at the cause and you are at the effect.  

Always remember this, One person is always reacting to other person in an interaction. The one who is reacting is at the effect and the one who is making them react is at the cause.

Understanding cause and effect dynamics is really important because it sets up the foundation of chase frame. 

For example:

A girl is standing outside a shopping mall and you cannot control yourself from going and talking to her.

CASE 1:-

You: Excuse me. Hi! Are you from around here?
Her: Yeah, what do you want?
You: Nothing. You are cute so wanted to talk to you.
Her: Not interested.
You: mmm... (Stuck in head)

(Gets awkward and he leaves)

CASE 2:-

You: Excuse me. Hi! Are you from around here?
Her: Yeah, what do you want?
You: Why do you think I want something? Hi! Yadhuvir here. Who are you?
Her: Not interested.
You: Do you believe in aliens?
Her What? (Starts giggling and smiling)
You: Nothing. What's your name?
Her: *Name censored* (Shakes hand)

(Interaction keeps going on)

In case 1, the guy went inside his head as soon as she showed no interest and totally forgot that he has to be a giver, keep his authority by not getting sad when he doesn't get what he wants and staying at the cause.

In case 2, the guy is unaffected by her reactions, he is an absolute giver and he is at the cause which makes her react and further in the interaction she will start chasing him.

 If you want to see me approaching women and showing all of this live then you can see my infields and subscribe to my YouTube channel The Yadhuvir. You can even follow me on Instagram (yadhuvir_singh) to look into my daily life and hustle. Until next time.

Friday 29 March 2019

3 Female Psychology Hacks That No One Knows

Women are amazing and as men, we always want to know more about them.

Maybe you suck a lot with women.
Maybe you are still a virgin.
Maybe you have a lot of women in your life.

But you reading this article makes it sure that somehow or somewhere, you are in scarcity of women.

Today I am going to share with you 3 amazing female psychology hacks that is going to get you berserk.

I will  tell you about:

1) Behavior traits that turns women off.
2) Signals that women give when they are attracted.
3) Behavior traits that turn women really on.

These three hacks are from my upcoming book about how to get successful with women just by being yourself. It will be released very soon.
So without any further ado, lets dive into the world of female psychology.

EXPERT ADVICE: You always attract what you are. If you don't have women in your life that means your life is not fun actually. If you cannot have fun in your own life, no one would love to hang out with you.

3 Female Psychology Hacks:

(a) Behavior traits that turns women off:- 

Neediness is the greatest turn off for women. Neediness stems from the lack of attention in a man's life. When there is no one to validate a man, he seeks approval and when he does that, it turns them off because seeking approval makes him look desperate.

Shyness is a major turn off for women and some times it backfires too. Many times men are too shy to show their boundaries to women. When women don't know what is unacceptable to you, they can keep on doing the most disastrous things and you will still take all of it because if you show your boundaries then you may lose her and you don't want to feel lonely again.

Confused men are women repellents. The man who is not on his path and purpose, who gets confused when she asks which color will look good on me turns them off. Confusion shows that a man has a lack of clarity in his thoughts and lack of clarity means a messed up life. You should know your likes and dislikes so that you don't have to think when options are there.

Reactive man is a pussy. If you are reactive then she is going to play with you like my cat plays with a pigeon. She killed one yesterday. Women will come to know about your buttons and they will push those buttons again and again until you become like a bitch in front of them. For example: if you are getting bald and she says that your bald head looks ugly and then you start reacting/justifying, you're done my friend. 

Boring men are like stones. What do you do with a stone? You throw them away. If you have got nothing interesting going on in your life then you are already fucked. How can a woman enjoy talking to a guy who doesn't even enjoys living his own life?

(b) Signals that women give when they are attracted:-

There are sub-conscious signals that the bodies of women naturally and biologically produces when they are attracted/interested in a guy. Her mind may lie but her body cannot.

- She plays with her hair because she is actually having fun talking to you.

- Her pupils get dilated because she is feeling so amazing that her eyes wants to intake more and more information about you. It's same like when there is bright light, pupils shrink and when there is low light, pupils dilate to intake more information so that you can see clearly.

- She starts scratching her body parts and these signals comes from our ancestors. Female Bonobos tend to scratch their neck, elbow and wrist more when they are in the presence of male Bonobos.

- She throws her hair left or right and this is an expression where she is showing a very vulnerable, delicate and sensitive part of her body and that is the side of her neck.

- She is comfortable with you getting close to her because whenever you get close to her,she will start feeling rise in her body temperature. It actually happens because her body is getting itself ready for the process of mating. 

(c) Behavior traits that turns women really on:-

There is a lover and provider inside every man. A woman is instantly attracted towards a lover because the behavior of lover is different than the behavior of a provider.

Lovers are the men who resemble with the leader of the tribe.
Providers are the men who protect and feed the family. Like the ones they show in movies.

As I have already mentioned that a lover resembles with the leader of the tribe which means a lover’s behavior is:
           Dominant because he has to lead the tribe.

           Decisive because he needs to make decisions fast so no decision is big or small for him. He knows the power of decision. He knows that if he can decide, he can achieve almost anything.

           Resourceful because he has access to a lot of resources so he’s not desperate to have more.

           Grounded because he knows what he truly is so other people’s opinion doesn’t affect him.

           Nonreactive because he knows that there is no point in arguments and justifications as it leads to more conflict.

           Fun because he wants to be happy and spread happiness among people so he thinks, says and does things in a way that makes him happy. If he’s happy then everyone is happy. Everyone feels light and relaxed around a happy person.

           Self-reliant because he knows that whatever, whoever or however he is; he is enough.

      Vulnerable because he is not afraid to risk anything to go for what he wants.
       A woman can easily separate lovers and providers looking at these behavioral traits.

      If you want to see me approaching women and showing all of this live then you can see my infields and subscribe to my YouTube channel The Yadhuvir. You can even follow me on Instagram (yadhuvir_singh) to look into my daily life and hustle. Until next time.

5 Steps To Get Her From Club To Bed

You are standing outside the club and you can listen to the loud music stimulating the shit out of everyone inside.

Wherever you see you can easily spot handsome men and beautiful women. Women are looking really appealing. Your heart is coming out of your chest because this loud music is making you feel anxious.

You just stepped inside the club and women started looking at you. Near the corner table you can see a couple making out. Women are dancing like crazy on the dance floor.

Looking at these women, you want to have sex now. But how?

Understanding the club environment:

Clubs are loud and chaotic. People come to clubs to have some fun, chill a bit out of their daily fucked up and robotic lives. 

Understanding the nature of environment is really crucial. People are not coming to clubs to engage in long ass conversations. They want to party, drink and dance. People pay for tables to get privacy.

So if you think that you can talk a girl to your bed then I have a bad news for you. Since it's a loud environment, you cannot engage women in long conversations. Attention span of women is really less inside the clubs. 

Forget that you can use some lines and get inside her pants. Women are not idiots and club is not tinder. 

What to do then? How to get a woman from a club to your bed?

5 Steps of Victory:

Women can easily weed out these guys:

(a) The one who fakes it till he makes it. 
(b) The one who is showing off.
(c) The one who is self-conscious and becomes a victim of the environment.

 If you want to get her, you need to follow these steps-

1) Accept everything the way it is:-

Become a sponge as soon as you enter the club. Absorb the environment. Become the environment.

Most guys resist the club environment and it is because few hours ago they were in some different environment for example: book store or restaurant or shopping store etc. But now they are inside the club and environment is changed.

So the first thing to remember is that one should not resist the change. Stay with the change instead.
Accept that it's fucking loud. Accept that you are afraid but don't know why. Accept that you are getting self-conscious. Get your short breaths back in sync again. Start taking deep breaths and let go of self-image.

Stop thinking that everyone is just looking at you. People are busy getting laid there. Get off the spectator mode because it's time for some action.

2) Start small:-

Go and talk to the guy standing alone.

You: How's the night going?
Him: It's fine.
You:  Awesome. See you later.

(Smile and leave)

Go and talk to the couple who is giggling there.

You: Sorry to interrupt you but you guys look so awesome together.
Guy: Thanks a lot bro.
You: You guys from around here.
Her: Yeah our office is nearby only.
You: Awesome. Have a lovely night guys.

(Smile and leave)

Go and talk to that woman who just came near the bar to get some water.

You: How tall are you?
Her: 5.10
You: That's crazy. Hi! What's your name?
Her: .....
You: ....

(Stay for sometime and then leave)

The main point is that you won't be in a highly social mood as soon as you enter the club. You will have to put yourself in social mood by allowing yourself to get in the situations where you have to engage with people.

3) Encourage yourself to come out of head:-

Either you are in the club or you are in the head. You cannot coexist inside and outside.

Most guys look for motivation to take action. They want someone to push them to open that first set.

Your action becomes your motivation.

Motivation doesn't create action. Action creates motivation. You will have to go and say hi to her. Until you take action, nothing is going to happen.

Some guys feel that they don't know what to talk to women. Most guys feel like they are out of words.

You can talk about whatever is going on in your head. You can even talk about your fear that you are feeling at the moment. When it comes to women, you can literally talk about anything because women actually don't listen to what you are saying, they are looking at how you are opening up when you start talking about things that you are actually thinking at that moment.

4) Capitalize and don't judge yourself:-

Don't just go and ask her to introduce herself and then come back. Start increasing the time you are spending in the sets as the night goes on. 

Introduce one woman to another woman, make connections, dance with them, take them out to some quieter place, go to the smoking zone. Don't just stop. You have just hit the flow.

Not every woman can like you so stop kicking your own ass whenever a woman rejects you. It's okay to get rejected.Rejection is the part of process. No one is looking at you getting rejected. Keep talking to people without carrying a self-judgement within you.

5) Lead and pull:-

When it comes to sex, women don't know how to lead.

Be a man, be a leader. If your interaction is really going amazing with a girl then lead her out of the club when the party ends. Go to any nearby restaurant to get food. 

She will check you for the last time if you are faking your personality or not. The best way to deal with last moment tests are by being brutally bold and honest.

She cannot catch you faking when you're honest.

For example: 

You: There is a really good Mexican restaurant. Let's go.
Her: But why should I come with you.
You: Because I would love to know you more. Let's go now. [LEAD]
Her: mmm..okay.

If its too late and no restaurants are open or if she cannot stop sexualizing with you then you can directly take her to your home.

It wont be easy to implement these steps all of the sudden. Keep going out everyday and follow these steps. You will eventually get there.

If you want to see me approaching women and showing all of this live then you can see my infields and subscribe to my YouTube channel The Yadhuvir. You can even follow me on Instagram (yadhuvir_singh) to look into my daily life and hustle. Until next time.