Saturday 30 March 2019

4 Simple Ways To Attract Any Girl

Most guys when go and approach the girl for the first time, they try to prolong the conversation and try to show her how nice they are.

Instead of looking at the quality of interaction they focus on the time spent in the interaction..

This is a wrong way to approach.
Time can be your ally when you are spending time with her inside a coffee shop or restaurant where you both can share your childhood stories, common interests etc.

Time can even help you when you are in the closing phase where you want to take her number or lead her to your home.

But when we approach a woman for the first time, we should never try to prolong the interaction.

Instead make it intense.


(a) Attraction is not a choice. If she is not attracted towards you then there is nothing YOU can do to turn the tables around. If she is attracted towards you then there is nothing SHE can do about it. She will just keep on falling for you.

(b) Emotions are the most addictive chemical in the universe for women.

(c) Women can sense when you are not having good emotions in the moment and they will push those buttons again and again to make you react. When she presses your buttons but she don't get reactions the way most guys give, she comes to know that you are different than most of the men out there.  

4 Simple Ways To Attract Any Girl:

These 4 ways are what we call as sub-communications. If you handle these 4 sub-communications, 90% of the work is already done. 

1) Laser eye contact-

Your eye contact should be laser. 
As you are walking towards her from a distance, do not look down, right, left or up. 
Don't look at her stomach, legs or behind her.
Look into her eyes directly and start walking towards her.

She will come to know that you are going to approach her and you can see her adjusting her posture, hair and dress to look good.

2) Smile-

Casanova has said, "smile is the shortest distance between 2 people."

Our brain has mirror neurons which mirrors the gestures and body language of other person.

So if you are smiling and your eye contact is laser, it will setup the sexual base of the interaction.

Secondly, when you smile and talk to a random girl, you come off as a non-threatening person. 

3) Tonality and volume-

People are in their heads. 
They are busy with their own stories. 
When you open a girl with seeking rapport tonality and low volume, she would prefer to stay in her own story.

Loud volume and breaking rapport tonality snaps people out of their head and the bullshit story that is occupying their head space and shows masculinity.

4) Proximity-

This is where most men suck.
As soon as you approach a girl, you should be standing really close to her. 
If she hesitates then you can take a step back while still verbally engaging her logical mind.

She cannot feel your presence if you are not standing close to her. If she cannot feel your presence then she won't even get turned on.

When a man stands close to a woman, her body starts getting warm. Her body starts preparing itself for the process of mating. Her pupils will dilate, lips will swell up a little bit and you can see her eyes sparkling.

These 4 sub-communications sets up the Man to Woman frame and makes the interaction intense which further makes her attracted towards you and recently I wrote an amazing article that an give you crazy insights about female psychology. Check it out: 3 Female Psychology Hacks That No One Knows

If you want to see me approaching women and showing all of this live then you can see my infields and subscribe to my YouTube channel The Yadhuvir. You can even follow me on Instagram (yadhuvir_singh) to look into my daily life and hustle. Until next time.

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