Saturday 30 March 2019

3 Instant Ways To Make Her Chase You

Men have always been obsessed with making a girl to chase them. It is because the media always shows the man pursuing the woman. So men sometimes fantasize about hot women chasing them.

We all do it.

Most men think that once they have an amazing physique or a lot of money then she will be chasing them but it's not true.

How difficult you think it is for women to get a jacked up, model looking guy?
How difficult you think it is for women to get a rich guy?
How difficult you think it is for women to get a guy with a huge bungalow?

Women can get hot, rich and handsome guys within seconds so if you are one of those men who want to make girls chase with the help of your looks or money, sorry but you are already out of her league bro. 

So now you know that there is nothing external which you can say or do to make her chase you.

Women won't chase you based upon your words or actions. Her chasing you is totally based upon the thoughts and mindsets that are producing those words and actions.

Your mindset sets up the field for the chase.
If you really want to know how 'chase frame' works then you got to know about some mindsets to introduce higher value in front of woman which gives her the space to experience you, see you as a reward and then chase you.

She will only chase rewards and if  you have even 1% of self-doubt, she comes to know that you are not a reward.

EXPERT TIP: A man who sees himself as a reward; his thoughts, words and actions are always aligned. He says what he thinks and he do as he says.

As a reference, you can see me setting up the chase frame in this infield video of mine.

3 Mindsets To Make Her Chase You:

To be a reward for her so that she can chase you, you have to talk to her with these mindsets.

(i) The Giver:- 

  Whenever most guys talk to to women, they go with an agenda in mind and everything they say or do revolves around that agenda. Some guys want her number, some want her to go on a date and some want to fuck her then and there only.

Whenever you go with such agendas, you totally forget that you are a fucking leech.

Suppose you are walking down the road and a skinny man in white shirt, navy blue trousers with an encyclopedia in his hand and a black colored bag on his back approaches you.

Man: Sir, can I have your two minutes please?

Do you already somehow know his agenda?
Can you already see the leech inside him which actually don't give a shit if you need an encyclopedia or not but he just want to sell you anyways?

Like you understood that this guy was a salesman who just wants your money same way women can come to know about the intent of men.

Be a 100% giver. Don't give a damn about what others are thinking of you right now. Don't think if you say what's actually going on in your head then people might dislike you.

A giver just gives. He doesn't care about how people react to him.

If you had sex with Alia Bhatt last night and clicked pictures with her and next day you show those pictures to your friends, will you show those pictures to get appreciation or will you just show and don't give damn if they believe or not because you know that you fucked Alia Bhatt.

So when you approach a girl, be a giver. Don't seek reactions from her. Don't judge yourself on the basis of however she reacts. 

As a giver, your response is in your control, not her reactions.

(ii) The Authority:-

98% of men have given up their own authority.

Are you one of them?
Let's see. Answer these questions in your mind.

a) Do you change your decisions based upon your parents approval?
b) Are you afraid of your parents?
c) Does your behavior depends upon the situations?
d) Do you think that talking to random women on streets and malls in unethical?
e) Do you think however, whatever, wherever you are in your life, you are enough for her?

Now there are two perspectives to look at these questions. One perspective is of a lover and other is of a provider. Both lover and provider is inside a man but the dormant perspective tells about the worldview of a man.

Perspective #1 [PROVIDER]

a) Yes because my parents know what's right or wrong. Parents have seen more of this world than me so why to risk taking a decision on my own. My parent's decision is my decision.

b) Yes I am afraid because they are elder than me.

c) Yes my behavior changes according to the situations. I know how to survive. Be a chameleon.

d) I don't talk to women on streets and malls because I am high value man and I don't do such low value things.

e) No, I have to earn more, look a little bit better and get some more knowledge then I will be enough for women.

Perspective #2 [LOVER]

a) I don't change my decision based on anyone's approval. If my parents say that what I am doing is right or wrong, how do they know if it's right or wrong thing to do? I need to figure out myself if my decision is right or wrong. NO ONE PREDICTS MY REALITY.

b) My parents are not ghosts. Why would I be afraid of my parents? I love my parents. Love and fear cannot coexist.

c) No, situations change but I remain the same. When you change your behavior according to the situations, you live in survival mode and if you do it enough times, it becomes a habit and I don't want to live my life in survival mode.

d) There is only one thing which is unethical and that is not going for what you want.  

e) There is no reason why I am not enough.

Looking at perspective 1 and 2 you can clearly understand that a provider has given up authority while the lover owns his authority. Authority naturally makes you a leader. And when you are a leader, she just cannot stop chasing you because our brains are hard wired to follow the leaders.

If you want to know more about how to be a lover then check out this article that I posted recently 3 Female Psychology Hacks That No One Knows  

(iii) The Cause:-

In an interaction, either you are at the cause or effect.

When two people are interacting and one person starts laughing because other person just said something hilarious. The person who is laughing is at the effect.
When you are laughing and giggling and suddenly she says that she doesn't like you and you lose the laughter. She is at the cause and you are at the effect.  

Always remember this, One person is always reacting to other person in an interaction. The one who is reacting is at the effect and the one who is making them react is at the cause.

Understanding cause and effect dynamics is really important because it sets up the foundation of chase frame. 

For example:

A girl is standing outside a shopping mall and you cannot control yourself from going and talking to her.

CASE 1:-

You: Excuse me. Hi! Are you from around here?
Her: Yeah, what do you want?
You: Nothing. You are cute so wanted to talk to you.
Her: Not interested.
You: mmm... (Stuck in head)

(Gets awkward and he leaves)

CASE 2:-

You: Excuse me. Hi! Are you from around here?
Her: Yeah, what do you want?
You: Why do you think I want something? Hi! Yadhuvir here. Who are you?
Her: Not interested.
You: Do you believe in aliens?
Her What? (Starts giggling and smiling)
You: Nothing. What's your name?
Her: *Name censored* (Shakes hand)

(Interaction keeps going on)

In case 1, the guy went inside his head as soon as she showed no interest and totally forgot that he has to be a giver, keep his authority by not getting sad when he doesn't get what he wants and staying at the cause.

In case 2, the guy is unaffected by her reactions, he is an absolute giver and he is at the cause which makes her react and further in the interaction she will start chasing him.

 If you want to see me approaching women and showing all of this live then you can see my infields and subscribe to my YouTube channel The Yadhuvir. You can even follow me on Instagram (yadhuvir_singh) to look into my daily life and hustle. Until next time.

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