Sunday 31 March 2019

Loser's Guide To Get Women At Daytime [6 Steps]

The one who is reading this post spends most of his time in front of laptops, phones, working day and night to earn money. You don't get enough time or you are too busy to go out to meet women.

But, you want women.

You are done with masturbating and imagining hot women or paying for hookers. You actually want women now.

You are nerd, geeky and hyper alert or you have nothing to do and that can be your strength.

You want to know how?

Just stay with me.

6 Step Process To Get Women During Daytime:

So this process is divided into two parts-

1) Mindset:- 

(a) She is not attracted towards the things you do. She is attracted towards who you are.
(b) Interactions are like a movie. So relax, chill and enjoy.

2) Execution:-

(c) Domino effect: Just a hi can be converted into sex.
(d) She wants a man with the qualities of a lover.
(e) Be present to the moment.
(f) Absorb everything.

6 steps in action:

Suppose you are walking down the road from your work and you suddenly enter a street full of women. You studied about 6 steps by Yadhuvir last night and now is the time to implement it.

(a) She is not attracted towards the things you do. She is attracted towards who you are. 

Understand that she is not attracted towards the things you have and the activities you do. She is attracted towards who you are as a person. She is attracted towards the behavior and not the achievements. 

Always remember that a woman is never attracted towards a man instead she is attracted towards the emotions she feels in the presence of that man.
If she gets those emotions in more intensity from any other man, she won't hesitate to leave.

(b) Interactions are like a movie. So relax, chill and enjoy.

So you just came out of office/college/home and you are in your head.

It's okay and it's normal.

You were in a totally different environment where you had to use the left part of your brain more. You were in a more logical, analytical mood. Your body was not in a continuous, rhythmic motion so your body and mind both are frozen.

But now you are in a different environment and you got to adapt. Wake up the right hemisphere of your brain and become a social butterfly.

Start observing people and give them compliments.

(c) Domino effect: Just a hi can be converted into sex.

Start small. Go and talk to the beggar, security guard and salespeople. Ask them about their life story. This will put you in a social mood. Your mouth has started moving now. Talking to these people made your emotions flowing again.

And there you saw a girl coming. Go and say hi. Most guys don't even take the first step.
Just go and say hi while keeping the sub-communication on point.

To know more about sub-communication, read this article 4 Simple Ways To Attract Any Girl

(d) She wants a man with the qualities of a lover.

She don't want you to pay for her things or buy her chocolates or protect her from 'evil guys'.
Women these days can provide and protect themselves. They want a lover.

There are some behavior traits that separate lovers from providers. I recently wrote an article about the behavior of lovers. Check it out 3 Female Psychology Hacks That No One Knows

(e) Be present to the moment.

Not every woman is going to like you.

Not everyone in this world can like you so stop behaving in ways to make people like you. Stop being a people pleaser.

Some interactions are good for getting rejected, some are good for just socializing, some are good for making social circles and future connections and some interactions just clicks and boom!

You are in the flow.

So always stay with the present emotion. If I am feeling fear then it's just now that I am feeling it. I don't know what I am going to feel 10 minutes from now.

Stay in the process. Keep approaching and don't beat up yourself for bad reactions.


(f) Absorb everything.

Become a sponge and soak in the environment.

Step 2 says that interactions are like a movie so every interaction is an interesting movie. You come to know about people from different countries, cultures and race.

Whenever you miss an interaction, you miss a whole fucking movie.

So whatever reactions you get from an interaction, start soaking it in. Don't get happy when you get good reactions and don't get sad when you get bad reactions.

Just stay in the process, keep absorbing the stimulation and express your thoughts.

 If you want to see me approaching women and showing all of this live then you can see my infields and subscribe to my YouTube channel The Yadhuvir. You can even follow me on Instagram (yadhuvir_singh) to look into my daily life and hustle. Until next time. 

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