Friday 29 March 2019

3 Female Psychology Hacks That No One Knows

Women are amazing and as men, we always want to know more about them.

Maybe you suck a lot with women.
Maybe you are still a virgin.
Maybe you have a lot of women in your life.

But you reading this article makes it sure that somehow or somewhere, you are in scarcity of women.

Today I am going to share with you 3 amazing female psychology hacks that is going to get you berserk.

I will  tell you about:

1) Behavior traits that turns women off.
2) Signals that women give when they are attracted.
3) Behavior traits that turn women really on.

These three hacks are from my upcoming book about how to get successful with women just by being yourself. It will be released very soon.
So without any further ado, lets dive into the world of female psychology.

EXPERT ADVICE: You always attract what you are. If you don't have women in your life that means your life is not fun actually. If you cannot have fun in your own life, no one would love to hang out with you.

3 Female Psychology Hacks:

(a) Behavior traits that turns women off:- 

Neediness is the greatest turn off for women. Neediness stems from the lack of attention in a man's life. When there is no one to validate a man, he seeks approval and when he does that, it turns them off because seeking approval makes him look desperate.

Shyness is a major turn off for women and some times it backfires too. Many times men are too shy to show their boundaries to women. When women don't know what is unacceptable to you, they can keep on doing the most disastrous things and you will still take all of it because if you show your boundaries then you may lose her and you don't want to feel lonely again.

Confused men are women repellents. The man who is not on his path and purpose, who gets confused when she asks which color will look good on me turns them off. Confusion shows that a man has a lack of clarity in his thoughts and lack of clarity means a messed up life. You should know your likes and dislikes so that you don't have to think when options are there.

Reactive man is a pussy. If you are reactive then she is going to play with you like my cat plays with a pigeon. She killed one yesterday. Women will come to know about your buttons and they will push those buttons again and again until you become like a bitch in front of them. For example: if you are getting bald and she says that your bald head looks ugly and then you start reacting/justifying, you're done my friend. 

Boring men are like stones. What do you do with a stone? You throw them away. If you have got nothing interesting going on in your life then you are already fucked. How can a woman enjoy talking to a guy who doesn't even enjoys living his own life?

(b) Signals that women give when they are attracted:-

There are sub-conscious signals that the bodies of women naturally and biologically produces when they are attracted/interested in a guy. Her mind may lie but her body cannot.

- She plays with her hair because she is actually having fun talking to you.

- Her pupils get dilated because she is feeling so amazing that her eyes wants to intake more and more information about you. It's same like when there is bright light, pupils shrink and when there is low light, pupils dilate to intake more information so that you can see clearly.

- She starts scratching her body parts and these signals comes from our ancestors. Female Bonobos tend to scratch their neck, elbow and wrist more when they are in the presence of male Bonobos.

- She throws her hair left or right and this is an expression where she is showing a very vulnerable, delicate and sensitive part of her body and that is the side of her neck.

- She is comfortable with you getting close to her because whenever you get close to her,she will start feeling rise in her body temperature. It actually happens because her body is getting itself ready for the process of mating. 

(c) Behavior traits that turns women really on:-

There is a lover and provider inside every man. A woman is instantly attracted towards a lover because the behavior of lover is different than the behavior of a provider.

Lovers are the men who resemble with the leader of the tribe.
Providers are the men who protect and feed the family. Like the ones they show in movies.

As I have already mentioned that a lover resembles with the leader of the tribe which means a lover’s behavior is:
           Dominant because he has to lead the tribe.

           Decisive because he needs to make decisions fast so no decision is big or small for him. He knows the power of decision. He knows that if he can decide, he can achieve almost anything.

           Resourceful because he has access to a lot of resources so he’s not desperate to have more.

           Grounded because he knows what he truly is so other people’s opinion doesn’t affect him.

           Nonreactive because he knows that there is no point in arguments and justifications as it leads to more conflict.

           Fun because he wants to be happy and spread happiness among people so he thinks, says and does things in a way that makes him happy. If he’s happy then everyone is happy. Everyone feels light and relaxed around a happy person.

           Self-reliant because he knows that whatever, whoever or however he is; he is enough.

      Vulnerable because he is not afraid to risk anything to go for what he wants.
       A woman can easily separate lovers and providers looking at these behavioral traits.

      If you want to see me approaching women and showing all of this live then you can see my infields and subscribe to my YouTube channel The Yadhuvir. You can even follow me on Instagram (yadhuvir_singh) to look into my daily life and hustle. Until next time.

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