Friday 29 March 2019

5 Steps To Get Her From Club To Bed

You are standing outside the club and you can listen to the loud music stimulating the shit out of everyone inside.

Wherever you see you can easily spot handsome men and beautiful women. Women are looking really appealing. Your heart is coming out of your chest because this loud music is making you feel anxious.

You just stepped inside the club and women started looking at you. Near the corner table you can see a couple making out. Women are dancing like crazy on the dance floor.

Looking at these women, you want to have sex now. But how?

Understanding the club environment:

Clubs are loud and chaotic. People come to clubs to have some fun, chill a bit out of their daily fucked up and robotic lives. 

Understanding the nature of environment is really crucial. People are not coming to clubs to engage in long ass conversations. They want to party, drink and dance. People pay for tables to get privacy.

So if you think that you can talk a girl to your bed then I have a bad news for you. Since it's a loud environment, you cannot engage women in long conversations. Attention span of women is really less inside the clubs. 

Forget that you can use some lines and get inside her pants. Women are not idiots and club is not tinder. 

What to do then? How to get a woman from a club to your bed?

5 Steps of Victory:

Women can easily weed out these guys:

(a) The one who fakes it till he makes it. 
(b) The one who is showing off.
(c) The one who is self-conscious and becomes a victim of the environment.

 If you want to get her, you need to follow these steps-

1) Accept everything the way it is:-

Become a sponge as soon as you enter the club. Absorb the environment. Become the environment.

Most guys resist the club environment and it is because few hours ago they were in some different environment for example: book store or restaurant or shopping store etc. But now they are inside the club and environment is changed.

So the first thing to remember is that one should not resist the change. Stay with the change instead.
Accept that it's fucking loud. Accept that you are afraid but don't know why. Accept that you are getting self-conscious. Get your short breaths back in sync again. Start taking deep breaths and let go of self-image.

Stop thinking that everyone is just looking at you. People are busy getting laid there. Get off the spectator mode because it's time for some action.

2) Start small:-

Go and talk to the guy standing alone.

You: How's the night going?
Him: It's fine.
You:  Awesome. See you later.

(Smile and leave)

Go and talk to the couple who is giggling there.

You: Sorry to interrupt you but you guys look so awesome together.
Guy: Thanks a lot bro.
You: You guys from around here.
Her: Yeah our office is nearby only.
You: Awesome. Have a lovely night guys.

(Smile and leave)

Go and talk to that woman who just came near the bar to get some water.

You: How tall are you?
Her: 5.10
You: That's crazy. Hi! What's your name?
Her: .....
You: ....

(Stay for sometime and then leave)

The main point is that you won't be in a highly social mood as soon as you enter the club. You will have to put yourself in social mood by allowing yourself to get in the situations where you have to engage with people.

3) Encourage yourself to come out of head:-

Either you are in the club or you are in the head. You cannot coexist inside and outside.

Most guys look for motivation to take action. They want someone to push them to open that first set.

Your action becomes your motivation.

Motivation doesn't create action. Action creates motivation. You will have to go and say hi to her. Until you take action, nothing is going to happen.

Some guys feel that they don't know what to talk to women. Most guys feel like they are out of words.

You can talk about whatever is going on in your head. You can even talk about your fear that you are feeling at the moment. When it comes to women, you can literally talk about anything because women actually don't listen to what you are saying, they are looking at how you are opening up when you start talking about things that you are actually thinking at that moment.

4) Capitalize and don't judge yourself:-

Don't just go and ask her to introduce herself and then come back. Start increasing the time you are spending in the sets as the night goes on. 

Introduce one woman to another woman, make connections, dance with them, take them out to some quieter place, go to the smoking zone. Don't just stop. You have just hit the flow.

Not every woman can like you so stop kicking your own ass whenever a woman rejects you. It's okay to get rejected.Rejection is the part of process. No one is looking at you getting rejected. Keep talking to people without carrying a self-judgement within you.

5) Lead and pull:-

When it comes to sex, women don't know how to lead.

Be a man, be a leader. If your interaction is really going amazing with a girl then lead her out of the club when the party ends. Go to any nearby restaurant to get food. 

She will check you for the last time if you are faking your personality or not. The best way to deal with last moment tests are by being brutally bold and honest.

She cannot catch you faking when you're honest.

For example: 

You: There is a really good Mexican restaurant. Let's go.
Her: But why should I come with you.
You: Because I would love to know you more. Let's go now. [LEAD]
Her: mmm..okay.

If its too late and no restaurants are open or if she cannot stop sexualizing with you then you can directly take her to your home.

It wont be easy to implement these steps all of the sudden. Keep going out everyday and follow these steps. You will eventually get there.

If you want to see me approaching women and showing all of this live then you can see my infields and subscribe to my YouTube channel The Yadhuvir. You can even follow me on Instagram (yadhuvir_singh) to look into my daily life and hustle. Until next time.

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