Tuesday 26 January 2016

Becoming the natural with RSD Max

The day when a boy becomes a man, he is bombarded with a hell lot of responsibilities and under those responsibilities he somehow forgets his true nature. The default nature of a man; the masculine. A man has both feminine and masculine energies in himself but most men fail to acknowledge the feminine part.

A man who knows how to balance both the energies, the yin and the yang, the Adam and the Eve; only he will taste the real success.

I interviewed Maximilian Berger a.k.a RSD Max who is a good friend and one of the most famous dating instructors in the world. He is a man who has seen a lot of difficult times in his life. He drop out the college for his passion, for what he wanted to do, he was hired as an intern without any salary in a foreign country and he worked very hard, and instead of condemning the kind of life he was living, he loved what he was going through because he was on his path and purpose.

Guess what? Now, he is one of the coolest and gangster mentors this world will ever have. He is an executive instructor of a world class dating company Real Social Dynamics and going to launch his product Becoming the natural on July 1st.

I asked him, "What is your story behind this awesome success you are getting today by teaching pick up all around the world?"

Max said, "Yeah I get that question a lot and my story isn't even that special or anything [He smiled]. Grew up in a small town in Austria, never had any success with women, never really had the courage to walk up to a pretty girl, let alone have a conversation with her. I was socially awkward (people avoided me, "friends" never wanted to hang out with me). I wasn't unhappy or anything, I had my computer games, my passion as a musician, getting wasted on the weekends, tons of internet porn [laughing]. At some point I realized though that that can't be it. I wanted to change, I wanted to be cool, wanted to be liked, wanted to have girls, have a great sex life, or a sex life at all. I just wanted to be a winner type. I was fed up with sucking, was tired of being a loser. I wanted more of life than just video games and alcohol. 
From that point on it was simple: Go out, read, work out, talk to people, work on myself, every day. And that's what I did, and that's what I still do, what I'll always do. As of right now I'm just happy I can inspire people (girls and boys alike) to do the same and become something bigger than themselves!"

I asked him, "There is a lot of difference in becoming a pick up artist and an instructor. What motivated you to teach pick up as an executive coach for the world class dating company Real Social Dynamics?"

Max said,"Well, there's nothing more inspiring than the stories and successes people tell me about on a daily basis. Whenever people finally step out of there comfort zone, start working on themselves or even reach goals that they never thought were possible, that just makes me happy. Being a part of it, being only remotely responsible for that inspires me back, day by day, story after story."

I asked him," The whole world knows the level of your skills and who can forget the value you have provided by showing us number of infield footage in which you are dating extremely hot women.
A guy from a small town in Vienna, Austria who has trained thousands and thousands of guys and is one of the best instructor in this field. What do you think your students have in common that drives them to go for what they want; the thing that separate your students from rest of the world?"

Max said,"Well first of all, Vienna is not the small town I came from. I moved to Vienna (biggest city in Austria) and learned "game" there [He smirked]
I think students around the world are very alike in their ultimate goals. We all want to reach happiness, we all want to show ourselves what we're capable of, we all want to strive and experience life outside our comfort zones. Too many times though that very wish is covered in bullshit and socially conditioned "cravings" after money, sex, and power. Whereas in reality we all just want to see ourselves grow."


I asked him,"We know that through your product "Becoming the natural" in which you have offered an immense value, every guy in this world can date any woman they want. What would you like to say about your product and the value you are offering in it?"

Max said,"The Natural is going to be great, and I'm beyond excited to release it July 1st - I'm already counting the days! [He Smiled]. It will pretty much contain everything I Know about game, how to become an attractive man, social dynamics, your own personal journey and much much more. All that backed up with HOURS of infield footage (+ breakdown) so you can basically just go out and do all this epic shit yourself [He Smirked]."


Not only me but every guy who wants to improve his dating life and wants to experience his/her life to the fullest; is going to sign up for Becoming the natural.

At last Max said,"Look I'm just a regular dude who's been doing this for a very long time. I've been putting in the energy, I've been going through pain, through adversity, I've seen it all, I've been through it all. If anybody would have told me what kind of life I would lead when I was this age I would have never believed it. Yet here I am and damn, I still can't believe it. You can do it. No really, YOU CAN DO IT. The sky's the limit, my friend, hell, not even that [He smirked]

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