Monday 4 January 2016

The Art of Growing Feat. Stephan

"Instead of taking right action, take an action and then make it right."
                                                   - Rattan Tata

One thing I have seen is that there are a lot of people in this world who lack courage. These people are so coward that if they fail to do something, they get totally shattered.

Successful people fail a lot, they need it. Success needs failure to grow. 

Yadhuvir Singh  has an analogy for this, The Successful Tree Analogy.

Taking action is the root, failure is bark and success is the fruit. We just need to feed the right amount of water and soil. If we want our tree to produce sweet fruits, we will have to manage a lot of things.

. A tree needs sunlight that means we will have to network with high energy and determined people if we want to grow. We will have to spend the most of our time with these people.

. A tree might get termites on it but to avoid it we will have to regularly check if everything is on the track because a tree can look huge but termites (bad people and bad habits) will make it hollow from inside.

. Failure is like the bark of the trees. We can get rid of it if we want to. Although a bark is important as it helps the tree to grow from inside. It protects the inner wood of the tree.

. Finally when we will have all the knowledge of what to do to grow a tree successfully. When the tree is grown up, then at the right time , it will start producing the fruit.

. You should know that birds and insects will come to eat some of the fruit and if you won't let that happen, tree will automatically drop a fruit on the ground to contribute by giving some share of it's success to those who need it. (Charity)

. There is a caution, don't be in a hurry to get the fruit that you start supplying the urea (Shortcuts) to your tree. No doubt it will produce the results fast but it will decrease the life of the tree. 

Andrew Carnegie, one of the most successful businessman of his era. He said that he doesn't care if someone destroys all of his factories.
He said, "They can take everything from us. Within the next four years, we will be again at the same place."

It does not matter what you possess outside but, what you are inside.

I interviewed Stephan (Founder of who is a good friend and he is doing excellent in his business. He has professionally trained a lot of people and his students are now successful too.

I asked him,"As a successful entrepreneur, what do you think; why most people are doing their boring 9-5 jobs instead of doing what they love and earn through it? What is holding them back?"

Stephen said,  "It's too much effort for most people to go through the process of being a entrepreneur. It's easier to  listen to a boss who will tell you what to do, than to be your own boss. People are lazy."

I asked him, "What mindsets are beneficial to enjoy every moment in life?"
Stephan said, " Be grateful for everything in life. Self-acceptance is a big one too. My biggest inner force is that I always try to be free in everything that I do."

We have to accept every moment as it is. The whole universe have devoted an immense time and energy to create this moment and if we will not accept that then we are against what the universe wants. We can never win from what universe wants.
Instead we can honor this moment, learn from it, be in it fully present. Accepting what is.

I asked Stephan, "Everyone knows that you have trained a lot of people and now they are successful too, what do you think drives them to do what they want?"

Stephan said, "Having a strong desire to achieve success is something I see in people who accomplish their goals. Next to that desire goes a strong focus. Always keep your focus on long term goals."

Finally, the problem most of the youth is facing. I asked him, " If there is a guy sitting in front of you who thinks that he has failed in every part of his life and he cannot do anything that others want from him.
And, due to this mindset, he started taking drugs and now he is on a downward spiral of life from which he thinks that he can never come out so better do what he is already doing.
What advice will you give to such kind of guys?

Stephan said, "No matter how deep people fall, they can always get up. Step by step they can get up again. They just need to surround themselves with positive people." 


You are already getting what you need and you can also get what you want if you have a strong desire and a strong reason to achieve it.

Ultimately, the biggest project you will ever work upon is you.

                                -x-x- THE END -x-x-


  1. The biggest project is YOU.I will always remember this. Classic metaphors of self-identity & purpose.

    Your metaphors are aesthetically conveying your message across. Thank you for your research, intention & courage.

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