Thursday, 21 January 2016

Religion Dissected

Who are we really defending?

We are defending our religion, our country. We are like dolls, they want to save themselves and they are doing this by using us. Ministers want to save themselves so they allot a dense security around themselves and the nation. They are not doing this for their nation or their people. If they intend to do so, they would never use humans as the one who will die for them and the nation. 

Everyone love themselves a lot but these politicians have hired such people that brainwashes people's mind to die for their country and they are not really dying for their country, they are dying to save shelters of politicians. Before loving your country, learn to love yourself.
Dying for the country doesn't mean loving the country, living for yourself is.

Individuality is missing so we follow dogmas. Which religion do you follow; Hinduism, Christianity, Sikhism, Islam?

- Hindus- Sanatan Dharam never wanted Hindus
- Sikhism- Guru Nanak Dev never wanted a Sikh
- Muhammadism- Allah never wanted a Muslim
- Christianity- God never wanted a Christian

God, Allah, Krishna or whatever you call the sole creator, he always wanted a human. But we are born with a tag on our asses. Religion was made for humans. Religion was made so that a human can directly contact with the sole creator. 
Who said that Hindus need Pandits, Sikhs need Pathis, Muhammadans need Maulanas, Christians need Fathers and Sisters?
A human came to know a very good business plan and that was religion and now they are getting paid through this profession. So, instead of blindly following any religion, before loving any religion, start loving yourself and go where your heart leads you and not where you should be.

Combine religion with politics and we get boundaries, states, countries or what we call limits, more precisely limitations i.e drawbacks. 

Before you fall into the trap of becoming a Hindu or a Sikh or a Muslim or a Christian, get converted into a human.


  1. I really appreciate your thoughts bro, i agree with 90% of your writing about how politicians use our religious believes to make us their pupet and hence brainwash our brains to die for our country.

    10% of your article suggests that before relating yourself to any religion become a human first. To this I strongly disagree. Being sikh teaches me that religion comes first before even you are a human, as you said religion is made for us to connect with the sole creator, what is a human without a connection to his sole creator i.e. what gurbani suggests:

    ਭਈ ਪਰਾਪਤਿ ਮਾਨੁਖ ਦੇਹੁਰੀਆ ॥
    Bhee Paraapath Maanukh Dhaehureeaa ||
    This human body has been given to you.

    ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਮਿਲਣ ਕੀ ਇਹ ਤੇਰੀ ਬਰੀਆ ॥
    Gobindh Milan Kee Eih Thaeree Bareeaa ||
    This is your chance to meet the Lord of the Universe.

    As everyone is given this chance in the form of a human and this chance can only be occupied by following that path to the sole creator, the path being the religion itself, without this path who is a human mere a dust.

    I am sorry if i unknowingly hurt your feelings.

    Waheguru g ka khalsa Waheguru g ki fateh g

    1. Hey Gursimar, that's what I meant. You know these verses because you have loved yourself so much and I bet you have learnt these by yourself and no one insisted you to learn this.
      It only happens when you love yourself.
      You didn't hurt any feelings but you made this article more beautiful.
