Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Becoming the natural with RSD Max

The day when a boy becomes a man, he is bombarded with a hell lot of responsibilities and under those responsibilities he somehow forgets his true nature. The default nature of a man; the masculine. A man has both feminine and masculine energies in himself but most men fail to acknowledge the feminine part.

A man who knows how to balance both the energies, the yin and the yang, the Adam and the Eve; only he will taste the real success.

I interviewed Maximilian Berger a.k.a RSD Max who is a good friend and one of the most famous dating instructors in the world. He is a man who has seen a lot of difficult times in his life. He drop out the college for his passion, for what he wanted to do, he was hired as an intern without any salary in a foreign country and he worked very hard, and instead of condemning the kind of life he was living, he loved what he was going through because he was on his path and purpose.

Guess what? Now, he is one of the coolest and gangster mentors this world will ever have. He is an executive instructor of a world class dating company Real Social Dynamics and going to launch his product Becoming the natural on July 1st.

I asked him, "What is your story behind this awesome success you are getting today by teaching pick up all around the world?"

Max said, "Yeah I get that question a lot and my story isn't even that special or anything [He smiled]. Grew up in a small town in Austria, never had any success with women, never really had the courage to walk up to a pretty girl, let alone have a conversation with her. I was socially awkward (people avoided me, "friends" never wanted to hang out with me). I wasn't unhappy or anything, I had my computer games, my passion as a musician, getting wasted on the weekends, tons of internet porn [laughing]. At some point I realized though that that can't be it. I wanted to change, I wanted to be cool, wanted to be liked, wanted to have girls, have a great sex life, or a sex life at all. I just wanted to be a winner type. I was fed up with sucking, was tired of being a loser. I wanted more of life than just video games and alcohol. 
From that point on it was simple: Go out, read, work out, talk to people, work on myself, every day. And that's what I did, and that's what I still do, what I'll always do. As of right now I'm just happy I can inspire people (girls and boys alike) to do the same and become something bigger than themselves!"

I asked him, "There is a lot of difference in becoming a pick up artist and an instructor. What motivated you to teach pick up as an executive coach for the world class dating company Real Social Dynamics?"

Max said,"Well, there's nothing more inspiring than the stories and successes people tell me about on a daily basis. Whenever people finally step out of there comfort zone, start working on themselves or even reach goals that they never thought were possible, that just makes me happy. Being a part of it, being only remotely responsible for that inspires me back, day by day, story after story."

I asked him," The whole world knows the level of your skills and who can forget the value you have provided by showing us number of infield footage in which you are dating extremely hot women.
A guy from a small town in Vienna, Austria who has trained thousands and thousands of guys and is one of the best instructor in this field. What do you think your students have in common that drives them to go for what they want; the thing that separate your students from rest of the world?"

Max said,"Well first of all, Vienna is not the small town I came from. I moved to Vienna (biggest city in Austria) and learned "game" there [He smirked]
I think students around the world are very alike in their ultimate goals. We all want to reach happiness, we all want to show ourselves what we're capable of, we all want to strive and experience life outside our comfort zones. Too many times though that very wish is covered in bullshit and socially conditioned "cravings" after money, sex, and power. Whereas in reality we all just want to see ourselves grow."


I asked him,"We know that through your product "Becoming the natural" in which you have offered an immense value, every guy in this world can date any woman they want. What would you like to say about your product and the value you are offering in it?"

Max said,"The Natural is going to be great, and I'm beyond excited to release it July 1st - I'm already counting the days! [He Smiled]. It will pretty much contain everything I Know about game, how to become an attractive man, social dynamics, your own personal journey and much much more. All that backed up with HOURS of infield footage (+ breakdown) so you can basically just go out and do all this epic shit yourself [He Smirked]."


Not only me but every guy who wants to improve his dating life and wants to experience his/her life to the fullest; is going to sign up for Becoming the natural.

At last Max said,"Look I'm just a regular dude who's been doing this for a very long time. I've been putting in the energy, I've been going through pain, through adversity, I've seen it all, I've been through it all. If anybody would have told me what kind of life I would lead when I was this age I would have never believed it. Yet here I am and damn, I still can't believe it. You can do it. No really, YOU CAN DO IT. The sky's the limit, my friend, hell, not even that [He smirked]

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Religion Dissected

Who are we really defending?

We are defending our religion, our country. We are like dolls, they want to save themselves and they are doing this by using us. Ministers want to save themselves so they allot a dense security around themselves and the nation. They are not doing this for their nation or their people. If they intend to do so, they would never use humans as the one who will die for them and the nation. 

Everyone love themselves a lot but these politicians have hired such people that brainwashes people's mind to die for their country and they are not really dying for their country, they are dying to save shelters of politicians. Before loving your country, learn to love yourself.
Dying for the country doesn't mean loving the country, living for yourself is.


Individuality is missing so we follow dogmas. Which religion do you follow; Hinduism, Christianity, Sikhism, Islam?

- Hindus- Sanatan Dharam never wanted Hindus
- Sikhism- Guru Nanak Dev never wanted a Sikh
- Muhammadism- Allah never wanted a Muslim
- Christianity- God never wanted a Christian

God, Allah, Krishna or whatever you call the sole creator, he always wanted a human. But we are born with a tag on our asses. Religion was made for humans. Religion was made so that a human can directly contact with the sole creator. 
Who said that Hindus need Pandits, Sikhs need Pathis, Muhammadans need Maulanas, Christians need Fathers and Sisters?
A human came to know a very good business plan and that was religion and now they are getting paid through this profession. So, instead of blindly following any religion, before loving any religion, start loving yourself and go where your heart leads you and not where you should be.

Combine religion with politics and we get boundaries, states, countries or what we call limits, more precisely limitations i.e drawbacks. 

Before you fall into the trap of becoming a Hindu or a Sikh or a Muslim or a Christian, get converted into a human.

Friday, 15 January 2016

ABC of Internet Marketing Feat. Rohan Sheth

The one of the most difficult and hated profession in this world is sales and marketing, and the most easy and understandable art in this entire world is sales and marketing.

Sales and marketing has been existed in this universe from a very long time. You want to get something valuable, you will have to pay for it. Early man traded their weapons for food, today people are trading their jewellery and money for living. It's a simple law of giving and taking

Selling is an art. You don't click on fake ads you see on websites because that are cheap selling tricks. Marketing is a way to spread awareness that you have created something that can raise the standards of living.


I interviewed Rohan Sheth (Founder of www.rohanshethconsulting.com) and he is leading pioneer in internet marketing business.

I asked him,"Why is marketing important to boost any business?"

Rohan said,"Marketing will help your business, make more sales, increase awareness, build trust, help you build a customer profile, and overall help your business grow.
Digital Marketing today lets you reach thousands of people at any time, anywhere.
With digital marketing, today you can highly target your ads at people in your demographic and interested in your products and services across the world."

I asked him,"What do you think are the major mistakes people are making when it comes to marketing?"

Rohan said,"- Paying too much for highly competitive keywords.
- Not using Facebook and other social channels for promotion.
- Not properly tracking and measuring there marketing campaigns and goals - (basically marketing blind.)
- Not including a call to action on websites or landing pages
- No Optimization - Not testing different creative and landing pages."

I asked him,"As we know that you have helped a lot of people to sky rocket their business, how do you help their business to achieve the success they want?"

Rohan said," We create a complete marketing funnel for our clients. 
- Set-up very precise tracking on all stages of the funnel.
- Have very skilled digital marketers who make sure we properly target there exact demographic and people interested. 
- We also test hundreds of ads and ad types to make sure we extract every bit of performance possible from the campaigns.
- Use data to optimize landing pages, forms, emails and funnels. Even after we get to a ROI that makes digital marketing profitable for a client, we continue to optimize and try new campaigns and methods.

Because we control every part of the process
- Getting the click
- The landing page
- The follow up communication
We have had huge success with our clients."

I asked him,"What advice would you give to those people who are facing problems in marketing?"

Rohan said, "Hire Us. lol just kidding.
#1 - Set-up very precise tracking so you know exactly how much each lead or conversion is costing you. 
#2 - Constantly try new things. Once you can accurately track the exact cost for leads, try different campaigns, different landing pages, different offers and use tracking to find out which marketing outlet is most cost effective.
#3 - Hire a professional, but be very clear with them on what you expect from there services. Including Tracking and Reporting, Expected Costs, Monthly Budgets and make sure they can provide detailed results."


Marketing does not starts when you first post an advertisement on social media or any other platform but when you start making the product for those whom you care about.

If you know how to sell yourself, then you can sell anything.
                                             - Yadhuvir Singh

Sunday, 10 January 2016

The Modern World Dating Skills Feat. Sam Anthony a.k.a. RSD Sam

Ben: I like  you.
Tracy: Okay.
Ben: Here are some chocolates for you.
Tracy: So sweet of you, thank you.
Ben: Do you like me?
Tracy: I don't know.
Ben: I going to Vegas tomorrow in my Rolls Royce. My dad has a hotel there. Will you come with me?
Tracy: Maybe, okay give me your number. I will tell you.
Ben: Yeah, awesome, great! Here is my number **********. I will be waiting for your message.

And Ben is still waiting for her message.

This is modern era, the 21st century and if you are still listening to your grandfathers on hot to get the girl of your dreams then be ready to listen a hell lot of "no's". 

This article is about the difference between Traditional dating styles versus Modern dating styles and who will know better than the world class dating company, Real Social Dynamics.

I interviewed Sam Anthony a.k.a RSD Sam who is one of the best instructors of Real Social Dynamics and offers an immense value on his YouTube channel.

I asked Sam, "Why do men need to learn modern world dating skills rather than using old and traditional dating techniques like impressing the girl, giving her roses?"

Sam said, "The world is an ever changing environment. That being the case over the years we have adapted and developed the way in which we do everything. Making cars, going to the gym, even the way we cook food. 
So, it justifies before roses and chivalry worked tremendously well but we did have wars so, in some cases there was a lack of men in some areas of the world and when any man would go out of his way to impress a girl, usually she would try to lock him down as there was scarcity of men those days.
In today's scenario, we have technology that in the past they obviously didn't have thus creating new and exciting pathways for people to meet. So, people are meeting on social avenues like never before.
Using techniques for lets say the olden days won't have the same effect because of how much noise and traffic there is in today's society (not literally noise but so much information gets bombarded to humans on a daily basis) that roses on a door doesn't really mean the same in today's society than back in the 1950's."

I asked, "What do you think is responsible that most of men are like a lion in front of their friends and a cat in front of a girl?"

Sam said, "Interesting question- for me I will reword it to say, "Why most men have different personalities; one a strong, confident personality when interacting with friends and two a shy, introverted personality when interacting with women?"
There are multiple reasons for this and the list can go on for hours but the direct answer would be that when you are talking with a buddy say you have known for years or not doesn't matter.
Usually you talk and you really don't have an outcome to the conversation, unless it is a serious talk like something happened between friends or someone when over a boundary and the other guy would like him to apologize but usually the conversation is very casual, relaxed and stress free because you are chatting with your buddy why would you want it to be riddled with stress and worry.
On the other, that same guy can talk to a woman and be a completely different person. The first thing that has changed is that they want some sort of outcome, the usual one is that they like the girl and would like to become the boyfriend or maybe want to indulge in intercourse with the woman.
So, with that outcome in the mind they tighten up, it's like their mind shuts off and one of the biggest indications of this is that the guy won't know what to say, he will lose his train of thought (a lot).
Men do this as a defence mechanism to try not say the stupid thing but in the long run they hamper any chances they had because usually they don't talk or beta themselves out.
So the idea is to talk to the woman with not this big outcome in mind, don't rush ahead because the act of wanting something out of the girl or the conversation will inhibit any chances you have."

* Psychologists say that most of the men when watch romantic movies, they see that the hero said this to the woman and she got impressed but when they try this in real, nothing happens, and then they get confused about what to say.

I asked Sam,"As everyone knows that Real Social Dynamics is a world class dating company and you have also assisted RSD Tyler and RSD Julien  and now you yourself coach a lot of men getting successful with women.
What are some key things every man need to know if they want to get any woman they want?"

Sam said,"They should understand that they can't get every woman they want. Probably weren't expecting that answer, were you? hahaha. 
Look, we teach men how to get better results than they are previously getting without our help. Sometimes the men are good, sometimes they are bad but when people say OK make me get that girl.
It's almost this fantasy that they think we are like 'Hitch' the movie with Will Smith where he help these guys to get the girl of their dreams. It doesn't work like that, it's a movie. The reason they created the movie is so that people could have that hope that one day they could get that girl of their dreams and all would be right in the world.
In RSD, we do a lot of change in the work with men. We do this because a large majority of men are stuck in this head space where society has beat them down so much that they think what society tells them is 100% of the truth and there is no different.
We snap guys out of that reality to show them the over arching principles that they haven't seen before.
For example that one guy might say I just want that girl, my whole life would be complete if I only had that one girl. We say OK, that is fine to want that one girl but you trying to get her won't work. Let's get you good with woman in general so that you can pick from a place where you know that if it doesn't work out, you have the ability to find the another girl and it might work out better and too she might even be hotter than the original one you first wanted." 

I asked Sam,"As you have dated a tonne of hot models and you are a man that every woman wants. What do you think a woman looks for in a man?"  

Sam said, "Women respond to behaviour, the more women I date the more and more this is embedded into my subconscious. Sure that doesn't mean that women don't like when a man smells nice or looks good in clothes or a nice physical body but they respond best with how you behave.
Women can smell out when a guy is pretending to be someone he is not; quicker than Donald Trump can make the headlines again. Your personality is your greatest asset you have, by putting it out there you are projecting yourself onto people. Some may like it, some may hate it but by projecting yourself and expressing yourself, majority of people will like it but not doing it at all is like shooting yourself in the foot with your own gun." 


* As a man, there is nothing in this world you need to make you feel better.


As an RSD instructor, Sam Anthony a.k.a RSD Sam motivates us by saying,"I mean look RSD videos on YouTube, we won't steer you wrong and go out there meet and attract woman all over the world. 
I have had experiences in my life that I never would have dreamed of. Sure I had some setbacks but majority of them changed my life for the better and even when I think they were bad, I learnt something and that's the most important lesson I can leave anyone is that the more you do, the more you will learn and learning is an amazing thing because it can never stop. 
When you think you know everything, something will pop up and surprise you."

                                   -x-x- THE END -x-x-

Monday, 4 January 2016

The Art of Growing Feat. Stephan

"Instead of taking right action, take an action and then make it right."
                                                   - Rattan Tata

One thing I have seen is that there are a lot of people in this world who lack courage. These people are so coward that if they fail to do something, they get totally shattered. 


Successful people fail a lot, they need it. Success needs failure to grow. 

Yadhuvir Singh  has an analogy for this, The Successful Tree Analogy.

Taking action is the root, failure is bark and success is the fruit. We just need to feed the right amount of water and soil. If we want our tree to produce sweet fruits, we will have to manage a lot of things.

. A tree needs sunlight that means we will have to network with high energy and determined people if we want to grow. We will have to spend the most of our time with these people.

. A tree might get termites on it but to avoid it we will have to regularly check if everything is on the track because a tree can look huge but termites (bad people and bad habits) will make it hollow from inside.

. Failure is like the bark of the trees. We can get rid of it if we want to. Although a bark is important as it helps the tree to grow from inside. It protects the inner wood of the tree.

. Finally when we will have all the knowledge of what to do to grow a tree successfully. When the tree is grown up, then at the right time , it will start producing the fruit.

. You should know that birds and insects will come to eat some of the fruit and if you won't let that happen, tree will automatically drop a fruit on the ground to contribute by giving some share of it's success to those who need it. (Charity)

. There is a caution, don't be in a hurry to get the fruit that you start supplying the urea (Shortcuts) to your tree. No doubt it will produce the results fast but it will decrease the life of the tree. 

Andrew Carnegie, one of the most successful businessman of his era. He said that he doesn't care if someone destroys all of his factories.
He said, "They can take everything from us. Within the next four years, we will be again at the same place."

It does not matter what you possess outside but, what you are inside.

I interviewed Stephan (Founder of www.supersociallifestyle.com who is a good friend and he is doing excellent in his business. He has professionally trained a lot of people and his students are now successful too.

I asked him,"As a successful entrepreneur, what do you think; why most people are doing their boring 9-5 jobs instead of doing what they love and earn through it? What is holding them back?"

Stephen said,  "It's too much effort for most people to go through the process of being a entrepreneur. It's easier to  listen to a boss who will tell you what to do, than to be your own boss. People are lazy."

I asked him, "What mindsets are beneficial to enjoy every moment in life?"
Stephan said, " Be grateful for everything in life. Self-acceptance is a big one too. My biggest inner force is that I always try to be free in everything that I do."

We have to accept every moment as it is. The whole universe have devoted an immense time and energy to create this moment and if we will not accept that then we are against what the universe wants. We can never win from what universe wants.
Instead we can honor this moment, learn from it, be in it fully present. Accepting what is.

I asked Stephan, "Everyone knows that you have trained a lot of people and now they are successful too, what do you think drives them to do what they want?"

Stephan said, "Having a strong desire to achieve success is something I see in people who accomplish their goals. Next to that desire goes a strong focus. Always keep your focus on long term goals."

Finally, the problem most of the youth is facing. I asked him, " If there is a guy sitting in front of you who thinks that he has failed in every part of his life and he cannot do anything that others want from him.
And, due to this mindset, he started taking drugs and now he is on a downward spiral of life from which he thinks that he can never come out so better do what he is already doing.
What advice will you give to such kind of guys?

Stephan said, "No matter how deep people fall, they can always get up. Step by step they can get up again. They just need to surround themselves with positive people." 


You are already getting what you need and you can also get what you want if you have a strong desire and a strong reason to achieve it.

Ultimately, the biggest project you will ever work upon is you.

                                -x-x- THE END -x-x-