Friday 18 December 2015

3 Ultra Success Secrets of Multimillionaires Feat. Mitch Miller and Patrick Allmond

Almost everyone in this universe knows that the recipe for success is hard work and patience. What if it’s a lie? What if you know a secret in which you don’t have to do hard work and you don’t have to keep patience for the success you want in life and in your business.

You have been fed a lie. People who are very successful in their lives believe that if you love to do something then it won’t be hard work for you because then you will be so passionate about your work that it will be not called hard work, it will be just love. And, you will not have to damn yourself before going to work; your vision of the outcome will be so strong that it will attract you itself.

But, our society, parents and even normal people (Yadhuvir named people with mediocre thinking as normal people) believes that getting a good degree, good grades, having an awesome 9-5 job will somehow make them rich one day. And they wait for that one day till eternity. This is what we call a slow lane

According to Mitch Miller (Founder of, “The best way to get rich is to find out the people who have actually achieved what you want. Whether in person or in books, find out what they mostly did and that is taking a massive amount of action because you can only learn by actually doing it.

 It is like you have seen a lot of videos and read all the books on dating but you never said ‘hi!’ to a woman in real then nothing is going to happen. It is like you have seen all the videos on martial arts but have never been into any fight, like you have read a lot of books but never ever implemented what you have learnt then, nothing is going to happen.

 So, become a student and meet the people that have actually achieved it, figure out what they did and follow those steps.”


Where most of the people are dependent upon their college courses, a multimillionaire believes that the college professor may have exacting, thoughtful, careful standards on how she tests you, grades you and evaluates you in the course. But ultimately, she is not the one who’s going to hire you. She is not the one who’s going to buy your product. She is not the one who’s going to pull out her wallet and invest in your ideas. In fact, in four years of my Bachelors in Technology degree, I have had a lot of teachers and professors and trust me, none of them had any Audi or BMW or Mercedes-Benz. They all use to come on buses and taxis to teach students; “How to Become Successful and Rich”

So, one thing is clear. A multimillionaire makes himself a multimillionaire outside of a class, in the real world.

But, how do they do it?

They do it by doing business. They sell things or even themselves for personal coaching. They market themselves or their products and they have a huge network in which they can promote their business and the network promotes them forward.

When I interviewed Patrick Allmond (Owner of, I asked him. “People are running before degrees to get a nice job so that they can get rich. But, they are not getting rich. Where is the problem?”

He said, “Most wealthy people come from running their own business. So while getting a degree is great, you should always be looking for ways to make money with your knowledge.

 Become a good teacher and a good explainer. Not a good “teacher” in the school sense, but someone who is good at making complicated things simple. People will pay good money for other people to explain things in simple terms to them.”

Where normal people thinks that selling something sucks and it’s very cheap and you got to negotiate sometimes and it’s not very gentlemanly. Successful people believe that they can make this world a better place; they believe that they can serve humanity and they can do it by selling their art, their product or themselves.

Is the problem in our mindset then?

Mitch Miller said, “School doesn’t teach you to be an entrepreneur in startup business. University education teaches you; how to become a good manager because you can’t really teach entrepreneurship as it is about having guts and taking huge risks to try a bunch of shit over.

 So, you look at all these courses and all the content that universities offer gears somebody to be an executive, a manager, a CEO.

It gear towards manager type of person which is very analytical and very organized and to be in control whereas entrepreneurs are pretty sloppy and go for it type of guys.

And the manager is too scared to hit the opportunities because everything has to be controlled and organized before he takes those leaps.

Not even good degree and nice job is enough to get rich. You cannot get rich by doing that ever. You cannot get rich working for someone else, it has never happened.

So, you have to do your own thing and you cannot get that education from schools but, you can get it from mentors, books and people who have actually done it in real time. Don’t expect that from teachers at school.”  

If you have read the post till this point then there should be one thing clear and that is schools, universities and colleges won’t make you rich. Well, then what is the secret to get rich fast.

 Let’s break the suspense now and explore the 3 Ultra Success Secrets of Multimillionaires:

1.   SALES: 

Once in Singapore, there was a seminar of Robert Kiyosaki, famous author of the #1 Best Seller Rich Dad, Poor Dad. A student approached him at the end of the seminar and she said that she has written a novel and people are really appreciating her content but she cannot earn that much from the novel.

Robert asked her to show him her novel. After sometime, Robert said, “You are a very good writer, probably better than me. But, you need to learn sales.”

The student said, “What! I have a B.A. (hons.) in English from a very good university and now you want me to learn sales!”

Robert said, “I understand. There is my book in front of you, tell me what’s written on it? It’s written the bestselling author, not the best writing author. 
So, you will have to learn sales.”

In fact, you can make the best product in this universe but nothing is going to happen until you sell it.

How to do sales effectively?

Patrick Allmond said, “Find a way to teach what you know to a very specific audience of people that don’t know it. Tony Robbins said that human beings pay good money for two things: Gaining Pleasure or Avoiding Pain.
So, if the skill you can teach also resolves around one of those two then you are going in the right direction.”


There is a huge misconception when the word “marketing” comes in an individual’s mind.

The first part of the marketing has nothing to do with communications or ads or messages. It has to do with the concept of how your product or service is going to solve the problems of a specific target market.

Good marketing start[s] with a problem you can solve for a customer (who realizes he has a problem!). Good marketing is not something you do after you create the product; the fact is that the most marketing is done this way is why we hate the word “marketing” so much.

Once you have designed a product that actually solves someone’s real problem (rather than solving your own problem of needing more cash!), you’ll still need to let those people know about it.

“Why do people hate the words “sales and marketing”?”

Whenever normal people hear the words “sales and marketing”, there is only one thing that comes up in their mind and that is selling encyclopaedias from door to door or something like sharing a post, “Lose 50 pounds of fat in 1 day.”

Mitch Miller said, “ The reason why people think like this is that the way we buy and sell things is through market that is, man to man and person to person or buyer to seller and that is okay. That’s the way most of the world sells and market.

So, people who think like this, their mind is fine because that’s the way the things have been sold. It’s not a bad mindset.

But, if somebody is really hungry to build a business, to get rich fast, then you have to be able to scale yourself and if you really want to get rich then the only way is to get more people to sell.

The way you do that is through marketing and advertising basically.

People use social media, direct mails to multiply themselves and marketing is a way to get away from one to one and you can sell your product to thousands of people just at once which is better than one to one.”


Literally everyone in this world can become a leader, if everyone knows how to network with people successfully.

Have you ever heard Abraham Lincoln’s first speech?
Have you ever heard Narendra Modi’s speech at Madison Square Garden?
Have you ever heard the first speech of Barrack Obama?

These all are successful leaders with a huge network. There are some people who pushed them up due to which these leaders made an impact on this world.

I call this as Fountain Effect.

Have you seen a fountain? There is water in the pipe that pushes itself up. On looking closely, you will see some water below the rim of the pipe that pushes the water above it to smash out and make a change.
If you want to network with successful people then you will have to become that water beneath the rim which pushes them up.

What is the best way to network with successful people?

No one on this planet is perfect. In fact, the planet itself is not perfect, it’s oval.
So, the best way to network with successful people is to help them in any area of their life. Basically, there are three areas of life: Health, Wealth and Relationships.
If a person is very wealthy then most probably, he will be suffering from some health issues. Help them in that area without expecting anything in return and you can form an effective network.

The basic fundamental to form a successful network is to help without expecting anything in return. Offer real value without any expectations. After sometime, your network will be the one with the most number of successful people.


After all, our parents are the first teachers and when I asked Patrick Allmond, “what is your message for today’s parents?”

Patrick Allmond said, “Force your kids to work hard. Make sure they know that nothing is given to them and they don’t deserve anything.
Make sure they don’t whine and they know to get over small stuff. Also teach them how to be completely independent of any government they live under. Government reliance is a dream killer.”


It’s really difficult sometimes to undo your conditioning but if still you think that change is difficult then read Secret Information Leaked - This Will Blow You Off.

University courses, jobs will never make you rich and even if by mistake you get rich by doing so, there will not be internal fulfilment.

       “I never let my schooling interfere with my education.”

                                                                        - Mark Twain

                                   -x-x- The End x-x-x 


  1. Good stuff bro.

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  3. Good one.....actually open my mind. THANK U

  4. Good one.....actually open my mind. THANK U
