Monday 14 December 2015

Suicidal Attempts You Are Making Everyday Feat. Mario Tomic

Every day we wake up with a risk of losing our lives. I am not talking about the natural calamities or a smashing hit by any car. The things we feed to our body and that too not once in a while but every day. 

I mean it might be okay to eat anything offered to you or to eat anything you like but, it’s going to have an effect on our brain.

Here is an anecdote,

Our brain…

 Weighs three pounds and has one thousand miles of blood vessels.

It contains more connections than there are stars in the Milky Way.

It’s the fastest organ in our body and could be suffering this very minute without your having a clue.

Well, let’s dissect our brain to see the dark reality.


If someone asks you,” what do you think; is the number of people suffering from heart diseases is greater than the number of people suffering from brain diseases?”

What will be your answer?

8/10 people think that more number of people are suffering through heart diseases which means they don’t know any shit about it.

Well, let’s make it real.

Major heart diseases are:
Heart Attack
Heart Failure

Major brain diseases are:
Brain Tumor
Brain Failure
Psychological Disorders
Chronic Headaches
Anxiety Disorders
Alzheimer’s Disease
Tourette’s Syndrome
And much more. 

   “The chief function of our body is to carry the brain around.”
                                        - Thomas Alva Edison

With my friend Mario Tomic (Founder of, we are going to provide the potency syrup that will give you massive results in your life. That’s our promise.
People surf a hell lot on internet. They keep on scrolling down the content like what’s healthy for me? , What should I eat to gain weight? , Why do I not want to eat healthy? , Why don’t I like going to gym?

Now what can Google tell them if they don’t want to go to the gym or if they don’t want to eat healthy! People know what is healthy for them but still they won’t do it and it is called as procrastination. Procrastination is a bitch.

Mario Tomic says, “The more you will delay stuff, the more difficult it will get in your mind even if it was way easy but in your mind, it’s just getting difficult exponentially. People have much more harder time getting back into it than the time when they just started out. The task you will delay will be proportional to how much you delay.” This has already changed many lives.
We jump out of the bed whenever we feel any pain in our heart or near to it because it’s just too unbearable. Heart has a shield of sensors around it so, whenever there is something happening to your heart, you will know beforehand. But, brain has no sensors around it. Your brain might be suffering this second but you will not be having any idea. Brain has only one shield and that is the shield of blood. If something happens to your blood, your brain will be the first affected organ in your whole body.

So, let’s go on a journey and explore the depths of our brain. What is affecting our brain and how to deal with it?


It is a protein majorly found in wheat, barley, rye, beer, breads, energy bars, fries, ketchup, ice-creams, mayonnaise etc.
Now you might be thinking, wait! But you said it’s a protein and every fool knows that protein is good for health.

Well, let’s take a step back and confirm if it’s good for us. 

Gluten when ingested; forms a pasty material in our stomach that has a giant, massive effect on our immune system.
The fundamental problem with gluten is its interference with the body’s neural networks.

Gluten breaks the blood-brain barrier. Once they gain entry, they can then bind to the brain’s morphine receptor to produce a sensorial high. This is the same receptor which gets us addicted to something. That’s why you feel so relaxed whenever you go to Burger king or Baskin Robins.                                                         The white part (shown with arrows) is the area affected by gluten.


Let’s get back to the hunter-gatherer era. In those times, sugar was consumed only once in a year that too through fruits. They can consume as much sugar as they can but only for a season and they cannot store it. But, what is happening today? Sugar is available to us every time and that too for the whole year.
And due to all this, we are suffering from a very deadly thing.

Diabetes , the result of very high blood sugar level.

 And one thing is sure. People suffering from diabetes have 50% chance of suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is the black death.


When we eat carbs, we consume a lot of them and it’s very difficult to stop. Once they are in our stomach, then the game is on. The level of insulin in our body rises to provide glucose to body cells. When the insulin level hits the peak, our body cells gets numb to the high insulin warning and at last our body stops responding to the insulin produced by our pancreas due to which we need to inject more insulin to our body.

The effect of carbs is that 60% of America is obese and sometimes, a child is born obese.                                                                                     Obese baby is the result of unwanted fat cells in the parent body.

Can you imagine, people in Nigeria are dying due to food scarcity and people in America are dying due to lot of food!

What to eat if you want to save your innocent brain?


Common reaction of people might be, "What? Did I hear that right? Fats! Are you really serious? Fats make us fat and it blocks our renal artery due to which it’s difficult for heart to pump blood."

Well, there is no research that can prove that you will get fat by eating fats or it blocks renal artery but, you can lose weight by eating fats.

Here, we are not talking about refined oil but the healthy oils like monosaturated oils (extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil etc.), dry fruits, unsaturated oils, cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, coconut oil etc.

Protein increases your brain functionality by 21% whereas fats increase it by 40%. In fact our brain is fully made of fats so it needs only fats.


One should exercise for at least one hour a day for four days a week. This keeps the oxygen supply and blood flow to the brain under control.

Mario Tomic said, “You will get fat even if you eat the best and most nutritional food in the world because there are calories in it and you will get fatter if you will eat more than you spend. There is no magic in food. Food is just permission for the body to grow. 

People say that first I will start eating well then I will hit the gym but both are incomplete without each other. The stimulants will come through training and the permission will come through diet.”


Either, people are confused or they don’t know what to eat, how much should they eat? 

Research shows that a slim hip to waist ratio means a healthy brain.
As the saying is, “A healthy mind resides in a healthy body.”

Mario Tomic said, “People ask that I am eating a lot like a pig then why am I not gaining the weight. People who are generally skinny, they don’t know how much they eat. It’s like they have this trained habit.

Mostly people have no clue how much they are eating until they put it on a paper and calculate it. And, when they put it on paper, they are like; holy shit! I cannot eat this much.”


1.     Whey Protein- Proteins are very important in our daily diets as they helps in doing 21% of brain development.

2. Omega 3- It is an oil which is mostly found in fishes. It protects our brain and heart like a shield for them.

3. Creatine- It helps in water retention in muscle but our body naturally produces creatine so it’s optional.

4. Vitamin D- Though we call it a vitamin but it is an oil. Our brain’s most essential demand and we need 5000 I.U. of vitamin D daily. But, the only major natural source of vitamin D is sunlight so we need to take it as a supplement.

5. Alpha Lipoic Acid- It is also oil found in our body cells. It is needed for better functioning of our body and it acts as an anti-oxidant so it should be taken.

6. Resveratrol- It is found in grapes and red wine. It slows down the aging process, boosts blood flow and promotes heart health.

7. Probiotics- They can help in proper brain function and it can act as tension, anxiety and stress buster.

8. Multivitamins- It is needed for the better functioning of the whole body.


So, here it is. You can take it from here and this can be a new start for you. If you decide to do, then you can do almost anything.

Eat well, Live Healthy.

       “Tell me what you eat, I will tell you who you are.”

 -Antheleme Brillan Savarin(1755-1826) 

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