Wednesday 30 December 2015

Deal With Haters in Two Minutes [EXCLUSIVE]

James: I heard that you are going to launch a new product.

Martin: Yes.

James: And you think that this will make you rich and famous?

Martin: Maybe, but I am not focusing on that.

James: Then what is it? Why are you doing all this with your life?

Martin: I am not doing all this for money, it's very bad if you think so. I want to make a change in the living standards of people and I believe this product will help them to do so if they want so.

James: Shut up Martin! It won't make you famous.

Martin: Yeah, I can see that. I haven't even launched my product and you already knew about it.


Men to Men envy or what Yadhuvir Singh calls 'MENVY' is very common these days. You will see a hell lot of people criticizing others who want themselves to rise. 

Here is a task for you. Whatever is your goal, tell that to your closest twenty friends. You will start observing a change in their behaviour. Although they might be appreciating you at your face but at your back, they are opening themselves up.

Envy is a feeling and every feeling conveys something. Envy means someone is afraid of something and if someone envy you then that means they are afraid of you.

SOLUTION: We people think that we are modern so our feelings   are modern too but it's a lie. From the hunter-gatherer era, people use to envy the pack leader because he always stood for what he wanted but that what made him a leader.

So, keep doing what you are doing without any expectations.

MASTER NOTE: There is only one way to deal with envious nature of people and that is, don't take anything to heart, not even compliments.
People often take complements at heart due to which they always expect compliments from others and when they get criticized from those people, they take that on their heart too.

Guess what then, the never ending process of self-pity starts 

You know what you are and you know what you are doing. You don't need others to tell you how well you are doing or how bad you are doing and even if they condemn you; just listen to them, nothing else. It's that simple. Just listen and don't qualify yourself.


* Tracy: Your product is awesome.

   Martin: Yeah, Thanks. (No Qualification)

* James: You suck and your product stinks, I will never buy that shit.

   Martin: Cool. (No Qualification)

* Tracy: Your product helped me a lot.

   Martin: Thanks a lot Tracy. You made my day. I did a lot of   research and spent a lot of money for this product and I am very happy that you liked it. Have a nice day Tracy.(Qualification)


A great personality once said, "Have big dreams and be so busy in pursuing them that you hesitate in telling small minded people." 

Wednesday 23 December 2015


Once a friend asked me, “Why do some people become arrogant after achieving success?”

I said, “If those people are still arrogant, then they are not successful yet.”

He said, “No, there are so many people who after achieving success don’t even look towards poor and needy people.”

I said, “That’s interesting. There might be two reasons. Firstly, they might be very busy in building themselves and growing up so they don’t want to look down.
Secondly, they might come to know about the fact that they don’t have the power to change everyone but they can change themselves so that they can be an inspiration for others.”

I want to do this and I want to do that. Everyone wants to do something but this world does not work according to your wants, it works as it is meant to be. The world needs to move, the plants need to grow, and we need food to nourish.

The day you will come to know about why you are here, then, there will be a dire need, a burning desire. Then you will come to know about the difference between wants and needs.

But, what is that strange, crazy story that you always tell yourself not to go for what you want? There are people in this world who are doing jobs that they don’t want to, and they always complain about their work.

When others ask them that why they don’t just leave their job and do what they love and earn through that; these mediocre people always have a story, an excuse. These mediocre people have a very special destructive tool and that is, procrastination. But you know what, that’s the story those people keep telling themselves not to be successful.

I interviewed Fatima Razic (Founder of who is a singer, songwriter and soon she is going to release her debut album.

I heard her interview on the radio and her story is very powerful and motivating. I would like to share her story that she told me in the interview.

Fatima Razic said, “I am the citizen of the world! I have been through a lifetime of experiences in a short period of time and that had taught me a tremendous number of lessons that I carry with me everywhere.

My life started in a small country in the Balkan’s, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in a sunny town called Mostar. I was the youngest of three daughters.

Although I am sure there were political tensions leading up to it, when the civil war broke out in 1992, for me my whole world turned upside down. What we thought was a short week long escape from the fighting turned out to be three and half years in Croatia.

During the war, unmentionable atrocities were committed; many innocent lives were lost, families were uprooted from their homes, my family was split into refugee camps and both of my parents were in concentration camps. By the time I was 15, I had seen more than my fair share of pain, sadness and depression.

At the age 16, my parents supported my wish to the US to pursue education and better life opportunities. And so I went to join my sisters in the promise lands, finished college and started the rest of my life with a nice job and a degree in my back pocket.

Throughout my childhood music was always my escape and I would wait for everyone to leave the house and then I would sing in the front of the mirror. Music continued to be my solitude, comfort and my passion throughout my college years and then even when I started working as an analytics professional.

But after achieving what by my parents’ standards was everything they could wish for, marketable degree, crushy job and a nice life, I still felt incomplete and would go home feeling empty and not fulfilled. It was then I started taking piano lessons and started frequenting open mic places and building my comfort on the stage.

Once I experienced the stage, I was hooked. I started writing, producing, working with other musicians and building my confidence and gift.

I sent one of the first songs, “When Will I See You Again”, to a Grammy nominated jazz saxophonist Jimmy Highsmith Jr. who later mentored me and taught me the ropes of music business. He believed in me before I believed in myself and he is currently helping me with my debut album.

I use music and writing as a way to express my life experiences in hopes of reaching an audience that feels understood and not alone.”

You can listen to Fatima Razic’s music here

Most parents pamper their youngest one but Fatima Razic is a live example for the young generation to push themselves up and to do what they love.

Fatima Razic used to be a professional analyst but she left her job.
I asked her, “Why did you left the job, you did not liked it?”

Fatima Razic said, “It wasn’t my passion.”

Well, there is a huge risk involved when we leave a job to move towards our passion. But that’s what makes it interesting. Some people wants job security while others like Fatima Razic can risk anything for their passion. 

The basic principle for ultimate success is, “High Risk, High Reward.”

* People like Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg know that they have to risk high to get high reward. High investment produces high profits.

I asked Fatima Razic, “You have struggled a lot and finally you are here, with your passion. What’s your message for those people who don’t love what they do but still they are sacrificing their lives to earn money and waiting for that one day when they will get what they want?”

Fatima Razic said, “My message is nothing happens overnight. Success doesn’t happen overnight and neither does failure. It takes a lot of time for both success and failure to manifest themselves in reality and they both come from within us.

If you want something, you will have to work for it today. Life is too short to be waiting for some better time. Today is the best day to start the rest of our lives!”

There is a huge difference between success and achievement. Success is what you achieve after doing something meaningful. 

Success is a by-product of achievement.

But, it’s a web. Do not focus on success to become successful. Focus on achievements, focus on achieving the goals.


Generally, people focus on the outputs. They always seek outputs. But, the people who are tilted towards output; they totally forget to focus on one thing. That one thing is the process.

Ultimately, what you are doing at present will finally produce the desired outputs; and people often forget that life exists in the present moment.

Either you are a visionary (who holds future in his hands), or you are a fool (who holds future in his thoughts).  

“Focus on what you are doing, not on what you will get.”

                                                       - Yadhuvir Singh

                                   -x-x- THE END x-x-x-

Friday 18 December 2015

3 Ultra Success Secrets of Multimillionaires Feat. Mitch Miller and Patrick Allmond

Almost everyone in this universe knows that the recipe for success is hard work and patience. What if it’s a lie? What if you know a secret in which you don’t have to do hard work and you don’t have to keep patience for the success you want in life and in your business.

You have been fed a lie. People who are very successful in their lives believe that if you love to do something then it won’t be hard work for you because then you will be so passionate about your work that it will be not called hard work, it will be just love. And, you will not have to damn yourself before going to work; your vision of the outcome will be so strong that it will attract you itself.

But, our society, parents and even normal people (Yadhuvir named people with mediocre thinking as normal people) believes that getting a good degree, good grades, having an awesome 9-5 job will somehow make them rich one day. And they wait for that one day till eternity. This is what we call a slow lane

According to Mitch Miller (Founder of, “The best way to get rich is to find out the people who have actually achieved what you want. Whether in person or in books, find out what they mostly did and that is taking a massive amount of action because you can only learn by actually doing it.

 It is like you have seen a lot of videos and read all the books on dating but you never said ‘hi!’ to a woman in real then nothing is going to happen. It is like you have seen all the videos on martial arts but have never been into any fight, like you have read a lot of books but never ever implemented what you have learnt then, nothing is going to happen.

 So, become a student and meet the people that have actually achieved it, figure out what they did and follow those steps.”


Where most of the people are dependent upon their college courses, a multimillionaire believes that the college professor may have exacting, thoughtful, careful standards on how she tests you, grades you and evaluates you in the course. But ultimately, she is not the one who’s going to hire you. She is not the one who’s going to buy your product. She is not the one who’s going to pull out her wallet and invest in your ideas. In fact, in four years of my Bachelors in Technology degree, I have had a lot of teachers and professors and trust me, none of them had any Audi or BMW or Mercedes-Benz. They all use to come on buses and taxis to teach students; “How to Become Successful and Rich”

So, one thing is clear. A multimillionaire makes himself a multimillionaire outside of a class, in the real world.

But, how do they do it?

They do it by doing business. They sell things or even themselves for personal coaching. They market themselves or their products and they have a huge network in which they can promote their business and the network promotes them forward.

When I interviewed Patrick Allmond (Owner of, I asked him. “People are running before degrees to get a nice job so that they can get rich. But, they are not getting rich. Where is the problem?”

He said, “Most wealthy people come from running their own business. So while getting a degree is great, you should always be looking for ways to make money with your knowledge.

 Become a good teacher and a good explainer. Not a good “teacher” in the school sense, but someone who is good at making complicated things simple. People will pay good money for other people to explain things in simple terms to them.”

Where normal people thinks that selling something sucks and it’s very cheap and you got to negotiate sometimes and it’s not very gentlemanly. Successful people believe that they can make this world a better place; they believe that they can serve humanity and they can do it by selling their art, their product or themselves.

Is the problem in our mindset then?

Mitch Miller said, “School doesn’t teach you to be an entrepreneur in startup business. University education teaches you; how to become a good manager because you can’t really teach entrepreneurship as it is about having guts and taking huge risks to try a bunch of shit over.

 So, you look at all these courses and all the content that universities offer gears somebody to be an executive, a manager, a CEO.

It gear towards manager type of person which is very analytical and very organized and to be in control whereas entrepreneurs are pretty sloppy and go for it type of guys.

And the manager is too scared to hit the opportunities because everything has to be controlled and organized before he takes those leaps.

Not even good degree and nice job is enough to get rich. You cannot get rich by doing that ever. You cannot get rich working for someone else, it has never happened.

So, you have to do your own thing and you cannot get that education from schools but, you can get it from mentors, books and people who have actually done it in real time. Don’t expect that from teachers at school.”  

If you have read the post till this point then there should be one thing clear and that is schools, universities and colleges won’t make you rich. Well, then what is the secret to get rich fast.

 Let’s break the suspense now and explore the 3 Ultra Success Secrets of Multimillionaires:

1.   SALES: 

Once in Singapore, there was a seminar of Robert Kiyosaki, famous author of the #1 Best Seller Rich Dad, Poor Dad. A student approached him at the end of the seminar and she said that she has written a novel and people are really appreciating her content but she cannot earn that much from the novel.

Robert asked her to show him her novel. After sometime, Robert said, “You are a very good writer, probably better than me. But, you need to learn sales.”

The student said, “What! I have a B.A. (hons.) in English from a very good university and now you want me to learn sales!”

Robert said, “I understand. There is my book in front of you, tell me what’s written on it? It’s written the bestselling author, not the best writing author. 
So, you will have to learn sales.”

In fact, you can make the best product in this universe but nothing is going to happen until you sell it.

How to do sales effectively?

Patrick Allmond said, “Find a way to teach what you know to a very specific audience of people that don’t know it. Tony Robbins said that human beings pay good money for two things: Gaining Pleasure or Avoiding Pain.
So, if the skill you can teach also resolves around one of those two then you are going in the right direction.”


There is a huge misconception when the word “marketing” comes in an individual’s mind.

The first part of the marketing has nothing to do with communications or ads or messages. It has to do with the concept of how your product or service is going to solve the problems of a specific target market.

Good marketing start[s] with a problem you can solve for a customer (who realizes he has a problem!). Good marketing is not something you do after you create the product; the fact is that the most marketing is done this way is why we hate the word “marketing” so much.

Once you have designed a product that actually solves someone’s real problem (rather than solving your own problem of needing more cash!), you’ll still need to let those people know about it.

“Why do people hate the words “sales and marketing”?”

Whenever normal people hear the words “sales and marketing”, there is only one thing that comes up in their mind and that is selling encyclopaedias from door to door or something like sharing a post, “Lose 50 pounds of fat in 1 day.”

Mitch Miller said, “ The reason why people think like this is that the way we buy and sell things is through market that is, man to man and person to person or buyer to seller and that is okay. That’s the way most of the world sells and market.

So, people who think like this, their mind is fine because that’s the way the things have been sold. It’s not a bad mindset.

But, if somebody is really hungry to build a business, to get rich fast, then you have to be able to scale yourself and if you really want to get rich then the only way is to get more people to sell.

The way you do that is through marketing and advertising basically.

People use social media, direct mails to multiply themselves and marketing is a way to get away from one to one and you can sell your product to thousands of people just at once which is better than one to one.”


Literally everyone in this world can become a leader, if everyone knows how to network with people successfully.

Have you ever heard Abraham Lincoln’s first speech?
Have you ever heard Narendra Modi’s speech at Madison Square Garden?
Have you ever heard the first speech of Barrack Obama?

These all are successful leaders with a huge network. There are some people who pushed them up due to which these leaders made an impact on this world.

I call this as Fountain Effect.

Have you seen a fountain? There is water in the pipe that pushes itself up. On looking closely, you will see some water below the rim of the pipe that pushes the water above it to smash out and make a change.
If you want to network with successful people then you will have to become that water beneath the rim which pushes them up.

What is the best way to network with successful people?

No one on this planet is perfect. In fact, the planet itself is not perfect, it’s oval.
So, the best way to network with successful people is to help them in any area of their life. Basically, there are three areas of life: Health, Wealth and Relationships.
If a person is very wealthy then most probably, he will be suffering from some health issues. Help them in that area without expecting anything in return and you can form an effective network.

The basic fundamental to form a successful network is to help without expecting anything in return. Offer real value without any expectations. After sometime, your network will be the one with the most number of successful people.


After all, our parents are the first teachers and when I asked Patrick Allmond, “what is your message for today’s parents?”

Patrick Allmond said, “Force your kids to work hard. Make sure they know that nothing is given to them and they don’t deserve anything.
Make sure they don’t whine and they know to get over small stuff. Also teach them how to be completely independent of any government they live under. Government reliance is a dream killer.”


It’s really difficult sometimes to undo your conditioning but if still you think that change is difficult then read Secret Information Leaked - This Will Blow You Off.

University courses, jobs will never make you rich and even if by mistake you get rich by doing so, there will not be internal fulfilment.

       “I never let my schooling interfere with my education.”

                                                                        - Mark Twain

                                   -x-x- The End x-x-x 

Monday 14 December 2015

Suicidal Attempts You Are Making Everyday Feat. Mario Tomic

Every day we wake up with a risk of losing our lives. I am not talking about the natural calamities or a smashing hit by any car. The things we feed to our body and that too not once in a while but every day. 

I mean it might be okay to eat anything offered to you or to eat anything you like but, it’s going to have an effect on our brain.

Here is an anecdote,

Our brain…

 Weighs three pounds and has one thousand miles of blood vessels.

It contains more connections than there are stars in the Milky Way.

It’s the fastest organ in our body and could be suffering this very minute without your having a clue.

Well, let’s dissect our brain to see the dark reality.


If someone asks you,” what do you think; is the number of people suffering from heart diseases is greater than the number of people suffering from brain diseases?”

What will be your answer?

8/10 people think that more number of people are suffering through heart diseases which means they don’t know any shit about it.

Well, let’s make it real.

Major heart diseases are:
Heart Attack
Heart Failure

Major brain diseases are:
Brain Tumor
Brain Failure
Psychological Disorders
Chronic Headaches
Anxiety Disorders
Alzheimer’s Disease
Tourette’s Syndrome
And much more. 

   “The chief function of our body is to carry the brain around.”
                                        - Thomas Alva Edison

With my friend Mario Tomic (Founder of, we are going to provide the potency syrup that will give you massive results in your life. That’s our promise.
People surf a hell lot on internet. They keep on scrolling down the content like what’s healthy for me? , What should I eat to gain weight? , Why do I not want to eat healthy? , Why don’t I like going to gym?

Now what can Google tell them if they don’t want to go to the gym or if they don’t want to eat healthy! People know what is healthy for them but still they won’t do it and it is called as procrastination. Procrastination is a bitch.

Mario Tomic says, “The more you will delay stuff, the more difficult it will get in your mind even if it was way easy but in your mind, it’s just getting difficult exponentially. People have much more harder time getting back into it than the time when they just started out. The task you will delay will be proportional to how much you delay.” This has already changed many lives.
We jump out of the bed whenever we feel any pain in our heart or near to it because it’s just too unbearable. Heart has a shield of sensors around it so, whenever there is something happening to your heart, you will know beforehand. But, brain has no sensors around it. Your brain might be suffering this second but you will not be having any idea. Brain has only one shield and that is the shield of blood. If something happens to your blood, your brain will be the first affected organ in your whole body.

So, let’s go on a journey and explore the depths of our brain. What is affecting our brain and how to deal with it?


It is a protein majorly found in wheat, barley, rye, beer, breads, energy bars, fries, ketchup, ice-creams, mayonnaise etc.
Now you might be thinking, wait! But you said it’s a protein and every fool knows that protein is good for health.

Well, let’s take a step back and confirm if it’s good for us. 

Gluten when ingested; forms a pasty material in our stomach that has a giant, massive effect on our immune system.
The fundamental problem with gluten is its interference with the body’s neural networks.

Gluten breaks the blood-brain barrier. Once they gain entry, they can then bind to the brain’s morphine receptor to produce a sensorial high. This is the same receptor which gets us addicted to something. That’s why you feel so relaxed whenever you go to Burger king or Baskin Robins.                                                         The white part (shown with arrows) is the area affected by gluten.


Let’s get back to the hunter-gatherer era. In those times, sugar was consumed only once in a year that too through fruits. They can consume as much sugar as they can but only for a season and they cannot store it. But, what is happening today? Sugar is available to us every time and that too for the whole year.
And due to all this, we are suffering from a very deadly thing.

Diabetes , the result of very high blood sugar level.

 And one thing is sure. People suffering from diabetes have 50% chance of suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is the black death.


When we eat carbs, we consume a lot of them and it’s very difficult to stop. Once they are in our stomach, then the game is on. The level of insulin in our body rises to provide glucose to body cells. When the insulin level hits the peak, our body cells gets numb to the high insulin warning and at last our body stops responding to the insulin produced by our pancreas due to which we need to inject more insulin to our body.

The effect of carbs is that 60% of America is obese and sometimes, a child is born obese.                                                                                     Obese baby is the result of unwanted fat cells in the parent body.

Can you imagine, people in Nigeria are dying due to food scarcity and people in America are dying due to lot of food!

What to eat if you want to save your innocent brain?


Common reaction of people might be, "What? Did I hear that right? Fats! Are you really serious? Fats make us fat and it blocks our renal artery due to which it’s difficult for heart to pump blood."

Well, there is no research that can prove that you will get fat by eating fats or it blocks renal artery but, you can lose weight by eating fats.

Here, we are not talking about refined oil but the healthy oils like monosaturated oils (extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil etc.), dry fruits, unsaturated oils, cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, coconut oil etc.

Protein increases your brain functionality by 21% whereas fats increase it by 40%. In fact our brain is fully made of fats so it needs only fats.


One should exercise for at least one hour a day for four days a week. This keeps the oxygen supply and blood flow to the brain under control.

Mario Tomic said, “You will get fat even if you eat the best and most nutritional food in the world because there are calories in it and you will get fatter if you will eat more than you spend. There is no magic in food. Food is just permission for the body to grow. 

People say that first I will start eating well then I will hit the gym but both are incomplete without each other. The stimulants will come through training and the permission will come through diet.”


Either, people are confused or they don’t know what to eat, how much should they eat? 

Research shows that a slim hip to waist ratio means a healthy brain.
As the saying is, “A healthy mind resides in a healthy body.”

Mario Tomic said, “People ask that I am eating a lot like a pig then why am I not gaining the weight. People who are generally skinny, they don’t know how much they eat. It’s like they have this trained habit.

Mostly people have no clue how much they are eating until they put it on a paper and calculate it. And, when they put it on paper, they are like; holy shit! I cannot eat this much.”


1.     Whey Protein- Proteins are very important in our daily diets as they helps in doing 21% of brain development.

2. Omega 3- It is an oil which is mostly found in fishes. It protects our brain and heart like a shield for them.

3. Creatine- It helps in water retention in muscle but our body naturally produces creatine so it’s optional.

4. Vitamin D- Though we call it a vitamin but it is an oil. Our brain’s most essential demand and we need 5000 I.U. of vitamin D daily. But, the only major natural source of vitamin D is sunlight so we need to take it as a supplement.

5. Alpha Lipoic Acid- It is also oil found in our body cells. It is needed for better functioning of our body and it acts as an anti-oxidant so it should be taken.

6. Resveratrol- It is found in grapes and red wine. It slows down the aging process, boosts blood flow and promotes heart health.

7. Probiotics- They can help in proper brain function and it can act as tension, anxiety and stress buster.

8. Multivitamins- It is needed for the better functioning of the whole body.


So, here it is. You can take it from here and this can be a new start for you. If you decide to do, then you can do almost anything.

Eat well, Live Healthy.

       “Tell me what you eat, I will tell you who you are.”

 -Antheleme Brillan Savarin(1755-1826) 

Wednesday 9 December 2015

The Super Success Formula Feat. Rob McKerron

Do you remember when The War of Kargil was fought?

I knew you wouldn't know that but round of applause for the geeks.

But, many men died for some very precious thing. What was it? Was it their glory? Obviously NOT!

It was their decision to do what was right at the moment though that decision led them to a more peaceful place now. That was 1999, a little more than ten years ago.

Think for a moment and Just Imagine…

Where were you in 1999?
What were you like in 1999?
Who were your friends in 1999?
What were your hopes and dreams back then in 1999?
If someone had asked you,” Where will you be in next ten or fifteen years?” What would you have told them?

Are you today where you wanted to be back then?

A decade can pass quickly, can’t it?

My friend Rob McKerron who is a businessman and an expert in human psychology. He said, “We are playing this game of our life not to enjoy but to just make that game over. We are just waiting for the one day to live our life by rubbing our ass, for just that one day which won’t come ever, it’s a myth.”

And it’s true. People are so busy in doing their work that they don’t even have time to see that sunset on a balcony with their special ones and enjoying that special moment. And unfortunately, people in this world are not living, they are just surviving.

Rob continued, “It’s so nice to see other people life stories, listening to them, watching their business growing, reading about their growth in their life. But, it’s so difficult to get out of that comfort zone and become one of them.” The link to his amazing video is It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives but, what we do consistently.  This might be unusual for you but, if we want to Live Our Life then, we must take control of our consistent actions.

The Power of Decision is the Mother of Action.


You can decide to do something else, something new, today. Right now, You have the Power and you can access to it and make a decision that what’s acceptable to you in order to live an Awesome life.

If you don’t like the way you feel, change it.

As Anthony Robbins says,” If you can truly decide to, you can do almost anything.”

The Ultimate Success Formula is:
Decide What You Want.
Take Action For It.
Observe what’s working or not.
Be Very Flexible and Change Your Ways of Approach Until You Achieve What You Want.

It’s 21st century, and we are living in a society where, to live our own life, we have to follow the rules made by not even some traditional but, ancient people.

But, we should always remember,

                                                               -X-X- The End -X-X-

Monday 30 November 2015

1 Secret To Become A Success Magnet.



* I failed. Should I tell Mom and Dad? They will kill me. How will I face the society now?

* I fu**ing failed! I am under stress right now. Leave me alone you SOB.

* Shit! I failed. What a drag? Do you have a cigarette bro?

* I failed, I have always failed. I am a burden on my parents. They are wasting their money on me. I don’t know what to do. Maybe, Suicide is an answer.

Hehehe…At least one of them sounds like you, doesn’t it?
Yes? Then congratulations. You have been successfully stabbed by the dagger of society.  

But you are not alone, this dagger is a very high precision tool and it stabs every 4 out of 5 people. The lucky 1% is Successful Cream.

Today this post is going to reveal the most hidden secret that only successful people knows. After going through this secret, the world will be different for you. That’s our promise.  So, let’s kill the suspense and unfold the mystery.

Here the countdown starts 3…2..1. Vroom!

FAILURE: “The worst thing that can ever happen to anyone is failure. Goals, dreams, and mommy’s expectations, Failed, Failed and Failed” That’s what our society says….WRONG

-Let’s ask from Failure (one on one) what he really wants…
Failure says, “I want to congratulate all of them who already know me. I want to congratulate them for Taking Action. Though, their action were leading them towards wrong path i.e. ‘Me’ but, I gave them something in return. I gave them brand new experience of what’s wrong and what they should not do to achieve success.

-But, What is failure?
Failure says, “ I am a call to take Right Action. I see people getting sad when they bumped into me but I want them to be happy.”

-Happy…? Are you serious? How can I be happy after getting failed?

"Oh my god! You took me in the wrong way. It’s just that you have guts to take action but all I want is; focus in the Right Direction now", said Failure.

-Who is Failure?
Failure says, “ I AM A RESULT but, a result that did not matched your expectations.”

-Then, What should we do to achieve success?
Failure said,” Be my friend so that I can give you every bit of information you need, to be successful. But my friend, in this life, you cannot get rid of me. So ACCEPT ME and EMBRACE ME.”

-Hmm…! Well, that’s interesting. ”Do Failure have any friends?” 
Failure says,” Yeah babe! More than you got on Facebook. In fact, Mark Zuckerberg is one of them. We are friends from 2004. One of my closest friends named Thomas Alva Edison mentioned me in one of his quotes. He said, “I haven’t failed one thousand times but I have discovered one thousand ways not to follow to achieve success.”

  So, here it is. The more you fail , the more you will know about what not to do and the more you know about what not to do , that directly means; you know what to do. That’s how you will taste the red wine Success.

                                       -x-x- The End -x-x-