Thursday 10 March 2016

This Is How The World Is Deceiving You [EXCLUSIVE]

You go to a restaurant with your family and you had a really great time. You know that your father is going to give a 5$ tip to the waiter but wait, your father just gave a 20$ tip. Nothing was special there, but just that the waiter gave a mint to the smallest kid in your family.
How could this happen? 
15$ extra as a tip from one family and no one knows how many people visit that restaurant regularly.

This is something we call The Law of Reciprocation. When someone do a favour or gives a gift, people feel a sense of obligation to return that favour and when they return any favour, they obviously return more than they got at the first place. Marketers know this and every reputed company around this world knows this.

But this is a part of our lifestyle from a very long time. Now you know the reason why a guy asks a girl if he can offer her a drink, now you know why Starbucks specially write your name on the cup to make you feel special (so that you can visit the place again), now you know why you are treated like a god whenever you enter a showroom and now you know what to do whenever you want something from someone.

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